target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US52358224

Considerations for IT Buyers When Selecting Compute Infrastructure for AI Workloads

By:  Chris Drake Loading


  • 12 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation uses data from IDC's 2024 Enterprise Infrastructure Pulse Compute Survey, which collects responses from over 850 IT decision-makers and line-of-business (LOB) leaders from diverse industry sectors. The presentation offers insights into the procurement and deployment strategies of IT buyers in relation to compute infrastructure for AI workloads. It examines AI workload growth, as well as the use of accelerated computing, compute consumption models, and the deployment locations for AI compute infrastructure.

IDC's Enterprise Infrastructure Pulse Compute Survey is one of four quarterly surveys of experts responsible for purchasing IT infrastructure. Taking the pulse of the enterprise IT market, it offers valuable analyst insights into infrastructure adoption and trends. The four quarterly surveys cover IT customers' current and future infrastructure investments in storage and computing systems, platforms, technologies, and services for enterprise and emerging (cloud-native) workloads. This quarterly product is focused on better understanding what drives customer behavior for enterprise IT infrastructure procurement on a worldwide basis across different buyer personas.


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