target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US52366524

Top Priorities Influencing Platform Decisions

By:  Frank Della Rosa Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight presents select findings from IDC's 2024 Digital Platform Buyer and CloudShare Emerging ISV Surveys, highlighting the priorities influencing platform buying decisions. Platforms come in many forms, with most ISVs expanding the range of use cases they address to accommodate expanding customer requirements. Making informed platform buying decisions is crucial for businesses seeking to enhance efficiency, scalability, and innovation.

Platform strategies continuously evolve and play an essential role in business transformation and the ongoing operation of scalable digital businesses. According to Frank Della Rosa, IDC's research vice president for SaaS, Business Platforms, and Industry Cloud, IDC continues to expand its coverage of digital platform strategies as virtually every SaaS business augments its offerings with some manifestation of a platform that functions as the foundation for intelligent solutions and connected ecosystems.


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