target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52367524

Is Synthetic Data Becoming a Reality for the Life Sciences Industry?

By:  Nimita Limaye Loading


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This IDC Perspective reviews the growing importance of synthetic data, examines the strengths and the challenges posed by the use of SD, discusses the key players, and provides guidance to tech buyers on the use of SD.

"The real and virtual worlds are slowly coalescing. The time is coming when synthetic data will become real data, and it will soon be a game changer in accelerating approvals and reducing costs for the life sciences industry. The biggest challenge will not be the technology, but the willingness to adopt the use of synthetic data by the life sciences and healthcare industries," said Dr. Nimita Limaye, research vice president, Life Sciences R&D Strategy and Technology, IDC.


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