target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52368524

The Importance of Mobility for Operational Decision-Making

By:  Reid Paquin Loading


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This IDC Perspective focuses on the use of mobile technology for operations. Mobile usage has grown steadily over recent years in companies with advanced operational processes. The reason for this continued expansion becomes evident when viewing the improvements in process performance that mobility provides. Operational leaders have embraced mobile tools as part of their day-to-day operations to aid the decision-making process and the execution of organizational requirements.

"Mobility within operations is by no means a new topic and certainly not as popular at the moment as terms like artificial intelligence. However, it is important to not overlook more basic tools when they are tried and true for delivering operational improvements. Leading organizations have continued to increase their adoption and application of mobile technology across a wider range of operational processes. These tools play a key role in their ability to make better operational decisions in a faster time frame," said Reid Paquin, research vice president, Future of Operations at IDC.


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