target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US52382724

Future of Operations Maturity by Regions: 2023 FoO Survey Results

By:  Reid Paquin Loading


  • 24 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation highlights the findings from IDC's Future of Operations (FoO) Survey when comparing by regions. IDC's biannual Future of Operations study aims to better understand the determinants of operational excellence and resilience and how organizations can transform operations through digital technology. For the purposes of this document, operations are referred to the activities responsible for the safe, reliable, and efficient execution of physical processes central to an organization's business. This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation compares the results of respondents from North America, Europe, Asia/Pacific, and China.

Organizations can use this information to understand the approach peers are taking to operational transformation and how they stack up from a maturity perspective, with sections including:

  • Operational Priorities, Challenges, and Benefits
  • Digital Maturity and Use of Real-Time Data
  • Investment Priorities and Vendors Involved
  • Sustainability Maturity and Drivers

This presentation was shared with clients in July 2024.


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