target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US52383324

Worldwide Business Intelligence and Analytics Software Market Shares, 2023: AI/ML Continues to Transform the Analytics Market

By:  Megha Kumar Loading


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This IDC study discusses the market sizing and vendor shares of the business intelligence and analytics (BIA) software market, including vendor revenue for 2021–2023 and the corresponding shares and growth rates of the largest vendors worldwide. In this study, we split the BIA software market into two functional markets: advanced and predictive analytics (APA) and business intelligence (BI) software.

"The BIA software market continues to evolve as vendors introduce more AI/ML features as well as GenAI. Making insights available to a broader group of business users will continue to dominate this market resulting in organizations making investments to empower business users to leverage embedded or self-service analytics. The need for decision velocity will drive improvements in data literacy and data culture." — Megha Kumar, research VP, Analytics and AI, IDC


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