target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # US52392424

IDC's Worldwide Cloud Application Deployment Platforms Taxonomy, 2024

By:  Matthew Flug Loading


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This IDC study sets forth IDC's definition of the worldwide cloud application deployment platforms competitive market. The products, vendors, and revenue covered by this taxonomy represent a subset of IDC's functional market taxonomies. The competitive market is described in terms of technology areas and includes definitions and a sample list of representative vendors and offerings for each functional market segment represented in the competitive market.

"The cloud application deployment platforms taxonomy showcases how the application development and deployment process continues to evolve, providing a wide range of benefits to different personas across development and operations, particularly developers," said Matthew Flug, research manager, Cloud Application Deployment Platforms at IDC. "PaaS platforms are becoming increasingly popular as IDPs as organizations recognize the need for a single pane of glass that abstracts unnecessary tasks, empowering developers to focus on building modern applications that deliver an enhanced experience to users. Various technologies and services within the cloud application deployment platforms market have enabled technology buyers to achieve a faster go-to-market approach in developing cloud-native modern applications and modernizing existing applications."


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