target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US52393324

Has Our Opinion of the Impact of GenAI on Cybersecurity Changed Since Last Year?


  • Michelle Abraham Loading
  • Frank Dickson Loading


  • 2 slides

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This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights the results of April 2024 GenAI Survey. Clearly, GenAI has created a seminal moment in technology markets. The promise is great, but we are all learning the specific use cases in which GenAI will deliver the most value. With the receipt of IDC's April 2024 GenAI Survey data, we thought that it would be interesting to see how opinions about the impact of GenAI on cybersecurity have changed since June 2023. Respondents still feel GenAI will be most disruptive to cybersecurity among the technologies surveyed and are increasingly positive about GenAI's impact on security team's efficiency and effectiveness.


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