target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: Market Note - Doc  Document number: # US52393424

Bridging the Value Gap: Navigating Client Expectations in Sustainability Professional Services

By:  Dan Versace Loading


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This IDC Market Note explores the sustainability services market, emphasizing the importance of understanding client expectations and the value gap in professional services across regions and sectors. It highlights strategies for differentiation, such as leveraging technology and offering unique expertise, to meet the evolving demands of clients. This IDC Market Note also addresses challenges like price satisfaction and the need for regional customization, suggesting that firms focus on enhancing perceived value and tailoring services to local needs for competitive advantage.

"In a world where sustainability is no longer optional, differentiation in professional services hinges on transcending standard offerings to deliver innovative, high-impact solutions that resonate with sophisticated client needs." — Dan Versace, research analyst, Environmental, Social, and Governance Business Services at IDC


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