target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US52393724

The Impact of GenAI on IT Operations and Technologies

By:  Mark Leary Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight identifies the greatest expected impact for generative AI (GenAI) across major IT operational functions. The results point to the acceleration of GenAI use cases and the rapid advancement of GenAI-powered solutions across all major IT technology management domains. It contains data from IDC's April 2024 Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending Survey, Wave 4. This IDC Survey Spotlight offers select results for worldwide, North America, IT role, company size, and digital maturity, but it should be noted that supporting data is available across all regions, countries, and major vertical industries.

"While much of the industry focus on GenAI revolves around data and applications serving consumer and business needs, there are significant GenAI developments aimed at improving IT engineering and operations efforts. No longer seen as only an aid to software developers, GenAI is being applied across every major IT technology domain and management function. And while software development is still an active area of GenAI advancement, IT organizations are now prioritizing other strategically important areas for GenAI-powered solutions. In future, automation, data management, digital experience, and security are top-ranked impact areas for GenAI within the IT organization." — Mark Leary, research director, Network Observability and Automation at IDC


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