target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US52436224

IDC CX Path: Buyers Desire Convergent Product Information, Experience, and Life-Cycle Management Products

By:  Heather Hershey Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights results from 2024 IDC CX Path Survey. The overwhelming majority of product experience professionals crave technology that empowers them to craft holistic top-to-bottom products and product experiences within the same platform. This slice from the worldwide 2024 IDC CX Path Survey breaks down the regional responses for the following question: "Would your organization's product teams benefit from a PIM with integrated product life-cycle management (PLM) capabilities?" Unified data is all the rage in 2024, and accelerating time to market is always important in digital commerce. This potential software platform amalgam may be able to provide both. Read this Survey Spotlight to learn more.


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