target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2024 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # US52520624

Worldwide Cloud Application Deployment Platforms Software Forecast, 2024-2028

By:  Matthew Flug Loading


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This IDC study provides the worldwide cloud application deployment platforms market forecast for 2024–2028. It also presents regional and deployment-based forecasts. This market is tracked in IDC’s Worldwide Semiannual Public Cloud Services Tracker.

“IDC’s 2023 PaaS Decision Maker & Business Value Survey found that 75% of organizations prefer to purchase application platforms and/or PaaS capabilities from third-party vendors, which is fueling the cloud application deployment platforms market’s projected 21.4% growth rate,” said Matt Flug, research manager, Cloud Application Deployment Platforms at IDC. “As a result of heightened demand for complex intelligent applications, the growth of platform engineering, and the rise of multicloud and hybrid cloud strategies, cloud application deployment platforms are now a paramount to enable the effective and efficient development and deployment of modern applications.”


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