target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52543124

IDC's Global CIO Advisory Board: Strategic Vendor Management in the Age of AI Everywhere — Focus on Evolution in the ERP Space


  • Nupur Singh Andley Loading
  • Philip Carter Loading
  • Tony Olvet Loading


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This IDC Perspective summarizes IDC's Global CIO Advisory Board discussion on strategic vendor management in the age of AI.

"Much like other business areas, AI will disrupt the ERP landscape, penetrating areas of activity currently seen as nonessential or far off in the future. Organizations with limited AI capabilities will face challenges performing tasks they previously managed easily. Therefore, it's crucial to keep pace with technological innovation to prepare for the commercial and cultural implications of the new way of working." — Nupur Singh Andley, research manager, C-Suite Tech Agenda Program, IDC


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