Discover IDC’s BuyerView Products

IDC’s BuyerView products are built using our own primary research survey data

You can be assured that the insights we provide are based on what IT buyers and Cloud Service Providers are actually thinking, planning and doing.


Learn what your customers are thinking, planning, and doing around cloud services, including investments, adoption, workloads, vendors, and organizational impacts.

Cloud Pulse

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Better understand the buying intentions of your customers around Edge infrastructure, software and services, helping you to devise strategies and solutions that address current and emerging use cases for technology and workloads at the Edge.


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Learn about the priorities that firms place on using IaaS in public and hybrid environments, as well as levels of adoption maturity and critical factors relating to expected value and outcomes


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An In-depth survey on attitudes and use of managed cloud services for public, private and hybrid environments.

Managed CloudView

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Learn what developers, DevOps professionals, IT management and LOB management are thinking, planning, and doing around development, deployment and consumption of cloud and non-cloud services.

PaaSView and the Developer

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Service Provider

Better understand the changing business models, growth in products and services, and sell-through opportunities via the ‘long tail’ cloud service provider market, including impacts on IT infrastructure investments, and partnering opportunities

Service ProviderView

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Artificial Intelligence

Gain an overview of AI infrastructure adoption and trends among IT buyers, focusing on current and future AI infrastructure investments and adoption rates, workloads, and economics by IT customers and service providers

AI InfrastructureView

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Learn what your customers are thinking, planning, and doing around artificial intelligence, including investments, adoption, use cases, applications vendors, and organizational impacts.

AI StrategiesView

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This new survey product helps characterize the reality of cybersecurity installed base and purchase decisions surrounding software and hardware products, including brands, pricing, and purchase criteria. A special emphasis will be placed on characterizing buyer activity by size of business.

Security ProductsView

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Learn what your customers are thinking, planning, and doing around Security Products and Services, Budgets, Cloud adoption, DevSecOps, Cyber insurance / Zero Trust, Buyer needs and satisfaction. Gain direct insights from 1,500 global security service professionals responsible for investment decisions.

Security ServicesView

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