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Welcome to the IDC FinTech Rankings & Real Results!

Welcome to the IDC FinTech Rankings microsite providing information on our 2024 IDC FinTech Rankings and Real Results programs, which is our 21st and 10th respectively.

Please review our FAQ’s for the IDC FinTech Rankings and IDC FinTech Real Results to learn more about the programs. If you have additional questions, please contact Marc DeCastro, Research Director, IDC Financial Insights.

IDC FinTech Rankings: Top 100 and Enterprise Top 50

The IDC FinTech Rankings categorize and evaluate technology providers strictly based on previous calendar year revenues from financial institutions (banking, insurance, and/or capital markets) or directly to fintech solution providers for hardware, software, and/or services.

Two categories of companies are ranked:

  1. IDC FinTech Top 100: Solution providers that derive more than one-third of their revenue from the financial services and FinTech industries AND across no more than two additional key non FSI industry verticals.
  2. IDC FinTech Enterprise Top 50: Solution providers supporting four or more key industries yet have sufficient revenues from the financial services and FinTech industries to be ranked.

New for 2024: IDC FinTech Rankings

IDC will rank in order only the top 25 of the IDC FinTech Top 100 companies and the top 10 of the IDC FinTech Enterprise Top 25. All other companies will be categorized into the following:

  • IDC FinTech Top 25: Each company will be ranked and listed in order and part of the IDC FinTech Top 25
  • IDC FinTech Top 50: All companies ranked 26-50 will be listed alphabetically and part of the IDC FinTech Top 50
  • IDC FinTech Enterprise Top 50: All companies ranked 26-50 will be listed alphabetically as part of the IDC FinTech Enterprise Top 50
  • IDC FinTech Top 100: All companies ranked 51-100 will be listed alphabetically and part of the IDC FinTech Top 100
  • IDC FinTech Enterprise Top 10: Each company will be ranked and listed in order and part of the IDC FinTech Enterprise Top 10
  • IDC FinTech Enterprise Top 25: All companies ranked 11-25 will be listed alphabetically as part of the IDC FinTech Enterprise Top 25
  • Special Recognition Program: Every year, IDC FinTech Rankings program will identify two categories for special recognition:
    1. IDC FinTech Top 100 Emerging FinTech: Companies that were not ranked in the previous IDC FinTech Rankings program will be recognized in the Emerging FinTech category.
    2. IDC FinTech Top 100 Fast Track FinTech: Companies ranked in the previous IDC FinTech Rankings program and have noticeably grown year over year on our rankings will be recognized in the Fast Track FinTech category.

Revenue from sales of network, telecommunications, electronic exchanges, and data services is EXCLUDED from the IDC FinTech Rankings. Firms such as market data providers or credit bureaus that derive revenues from excluded categories, but also have revenue tied to software, hardware, or services, are considered in these rankings. For these data providers, the revenue attributed to data is used to qualify the provider to the appropriate IDC FinTech category, yet only the qualifying portion of revenue is included in the process.

If you have questions regarding the IDC FinTech Rankings, please read our FAQ

2024 IDC FinTech Rankings and Real Results Winners

IDC FinTech Real Results

The IDC FinTech Real Results recognizes IT providers that have enabled a genuine, measurable, and future enabling change at a client financial institution (bank, capital markets firm, or insurer) in the worldwide financial services industry.

Interested in learning more about IDC’s FinTech Rankings?

IDG Environmental Policy

International Data Group is committed to protecting the environment, the health and safety of our employees, and the community in which we conduct our business. It is our policy to seek continual improvement throughout our business operations to lessen our impact on the local and global environment. We are committed to environmental excellence, pollution prevention and to purchasing products that reduce the use of natural resources.

We fulfill this mission by a commitment to:

  • Encouraging all partners to share in our mission
  • Understanding environmental issues and sharing information with our partners
  • Recognizing that fiscal responsibility is essential to our environmental future
  • Instilling environmental responsibility as a corporate value
  • Developing innovative and flexible solutions to bring about change
  • Using our platforms and position in the IT industry to promote sustainability
  • Minimize air travel to help reduce our impact on the environment
  • Minimize use of materials and energy consumption in our offices
  • Create a working environment that efficiently uses our office space
  • Develop and maintain a hybrid working model that benefits both our employees and business partners
  • Encourage employees to measure, minimize and collaborate on reducing energy consumption at home and in the office
  • Engaging employees and promoting active participation in environmental and sustainability initiatives