target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # EUR150922424

European Network Security Forecast 2024-2028

By:  Romain Fouchereau Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC Market Forecast Figure

    • Figure: European Network Security Spending Snapshot

  • Executive Summary

  • Advice for Technology Suppliers

    • Cyber-Resilience

    • Zero Trust and SASE

    • AI Everywhere

    • NIS2 and Regulations

  • Market Forecast

    • Table: European Trusted Network Access and Protection Spending by Product Category ($M)

    • Table: European Active Application Security Spending by Product Category ($M)

  • Market Context

    • Drivers and Inhibitors

    • Market Drivers

    • Evolving Cybersecurity Threat Landscape

    • Adoption of Cloud Services and Everywhere Work

    • Regulatory Compliance and Data Privacy

    • Market Inhibitors

    • High Costs and Complexity

    • Shortage of Skilled Cybersecurity Professionals

    • Significant Market Developments

    • App and API Security

    • OT Security

    • SASE

    • Changes from Prior Forecast

  • Market Definition

    • Trusted Network Access and Protection

    • Active Application Security

  • Methodology

  • Related Research