target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2024 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # EUR151648024

European Supply Chain Management Applications Forecast, 2024-2028


  • Edyta Kosowska Loading
  • Ashok Patel Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC Market Forecast Figure

    • Figure: European Supply Chain Management Applications Software Revenue Snapshot

  • Executive Summary

  • Advice for Technology Suppliers

  • Market Forecast

    • Table: European Supply Chain Management Applications Revenue and Growth, 2021–2023 ($M)

    • Figure: European SCM Applications Revenue, 2021-2023

    • Figure: European SCM Applications Revenue Share by Functional Market, 2023 (2H23 Constant $B)

    • Table: European Supply Chain Management Applications Revenue and Growth by Functional Market, 2022-2028 (2H23 Constant $M)

    • Figure: European SCM Applications Revenue Share by Deployment Model, 2023 (2H23 Constant $B)

    • Table: European Supply Chain Management Applications Revenue and Growth by Deployment Model, 2022-2028 (2H23 Constant $M)

    • European SCM Applications Market Forecast by Subregion and Country

    • Table: European Supply Chain Management Applications Revenue and Growth Forecast by Country/Subregion, 2022-2028 (2H23 Constant $M)

    • Figure: European SCM Applications Revenue CAGR by Country/Subregion, 2023-2028

    • European SCM Applications Functional Market Forecast by Country/Subregion

    • Table: European Warehousing and Inventory Management Applications Revenue and Growth Forecast by Country/Subregion, 2022-2028 (2H23 Constant $M)

    • Table: European Supply Chain Planning Management Applications Revenue and Growth Forecast by Country/Subregion, 2022-2028 (2H23 Constant $M)

    • Table: European Logistics and Transportation Management Applications Revenue and Growth Forecast by Country/Subregion, 2022-2028 (2H23 Constant $M)

  • Market Context

    • Drivers and Inhibitors

    • Drivers

    • SCM Application Modernization Acceleration

    • Growing Emphasis on ESG

    • GenAI in the Spotlight

    • Inhibitors

    • Ongoing Macroeconomic and Geopolitical Uncertainty

    • Application Investment Prioritization

    • Significant Market Developments

    • Changes From Prior Forecast

    • Figure: European SCM Applications Revenue Forecast, 2022-2028: Comparison of 2H22 and 2H23 Forecasts (Constant $M)

    • Figure: European SCM Applications Revenue Growth Forecast: Comparison of 2H22 and 2H23 Forecasts

  • Market Definition

    • Logistics and Transportation Management Applications

    • Supply Chain Planning Applications

    • Warehousing and Inventory Management Applications

  • Methodology

    • Forecast Information Sources

    • Forecasting Process

    • Company-Level Data Collection

    • Exchange Rates

    • Additional Notes

  • Related Research