target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR152594524

EMEA Leaders in the Age of AI Everywhere: The Role of Employees in Successful AI Implementations

By:  Meike Escherich Loading


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Table of Contents

  • Executive Snapshot

    • Figure: The Role of Employees in Successful AI Implementation

  • Situation Overview

    • Figure: The Future State of AI

    • The Four Stages of Employee Involvement in AI Initiatives

    • Figure: Four Stages of Employee Involvement

    • Stage 1 and Stage 2: Involving Your Users

    • Figure: European Employees' Sentiment Toward AI

    • Stage 3: The Importance of Change Management

    • Stage 4: Educating Your Users

    • Figure: IDC's Skills Framework

  • Advice for the Technology Buyer

  • Learn More

    • Related Research

    • Synopsis