target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2023 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # JPE50538423

Japan Internet of Things Forecast by Vertical Industry and Technology, 2023–2027

By:  Yoriyuki Yamashita Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC Market Forecast Figure

    • Figure: Japan IoT Spending Snapshot

  • Executive Summary

  • Advice for Technology Suppliers

    • Recommendations for SIers and Carriers in Charge of Planning or Developing Products and Services

    • Recommendations for SIers and Carriers Sales Planning/Sales Personnel

  • Market Forecast

    • Japan IoT Market Forecast

    • Observations by Industry Sector/Use Case

    • Table: Japan IoT Market Spending Size by Major Industry Sector/Other Industry Sector, 2022–2027

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market 2020 Spending and CAGR from 2020 to 2027 by Use Case

    • Technology-Specific Considerations

    • Table: Japan IoT Market Spending by Technology Group and Technical Element, 2022–2027

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market Spending Size by Technology and Spending Share: 2022 versus 2027

    • Japan IoT Market Forecast: Manufacturing and Resources Sector

    • Observations by Industry Sector/Use Case

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market Use Case Segmentation and Spending CAGR: Manufacturing and Resources Sector

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market Spending by Use Case, 2022–2027: Manufacturing and Resources Sector

    • Discrete and Process Manufacturing

    • Construction

    • Resource Industries

    • Technology-Specific Considerations

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market Technology Group and Technical Element Classification and Spending CAGR: Manufacturing and Resources Sector

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market Spending Share by Technology Group, 2022–2027: Manufacturing and Resources Sector

    • Japan IoT Market Forecast: Distribution and Services Sector

    • Observations by Industry Sector/Use Case

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market Use Case Classification and Spending CAGR: Distribution and Services Sector

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market Spending by Use Case, 2022–2027: Distribution and Services Sector

    • Transportation

    • Retail

    • Technology-Specific Considerations

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market Technology Group and Technical Element Classification and Spending CAGR: Distribution and Services Sector

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market Spending Share by Technology Group, 2022−2027: Distribution and Services Sector

    • Japan IoT Market Forecast: Public, Infrastructure, and Financial Sector

    • Observations by Industry Sector/Use Case

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market Use Case Classification and Spending CAGR: Public, Infrastructure, and Financial Sector

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market Spending Share by Use Case, 2022–2027: Public, Infrastructure, and Financial Sector

    • Government

    • Healthcare Providers

    • Utilities

    • Telecommunications

    • Banking

    • Insurance

    • Technology-Specific Considerations

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market Technology Group and Technical Element Classification and Spending CAGR: Public, Infrastructure and Financial Sector

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market Spending Share by Technology Group, 2022–2027: Public, Infrastructure, and Financial Sector

  • Market Context

    • Drivers and Inhibitors

    • Drivers

    • Macroeconomy: Japan Trends

    • Improved Interoperability Between IoT Devices and Systems

    • Inhibitors

    • Tighter Government Restrictions on Imports

    • Significant Market Developments

    • Expanded Use of IoT Platforms Provided by Cloud Vendors

    • Expanding Efforts to Realize the Physical Internet

    • Changes from Prior Forecast

    • Figure: Japan IoT Market, 2022–2027: Comparison of March 2022 and April 2023 Forecasts

  • Market definition

    • Internet of Things

    • Industry Segments and Use Cases that Make Up the IoT Market

    • Major Industry Sectors

    • (1) Assembly Manufacturing, (2) Process Manufacturing

    • (3) Construction/Civil Engineering

    • (4) Resources

    • (5) Transportation

    • (6) Retail

    • (7) Government Offices

    • (8) Medical

    • (9) Public/Public Interest

    • (10) Communication

    • (11) Banking

    • (12) Insurance

    • Other Industrial Fields

    • (13) Wholesale

    • (14) Professional Services

    • (15) Personal Services

    • (16) Media

    • (17) Education

    • (18) Securities/Investment Services

    • Technologies Comprising the IoT Market

    • Definition of Technology Group Classification (Four Groups in Total)

    • (1) Technology Elements That Fall Under the Hardware Group

    • (2) Technology Elements That Fall under the Connectivity Group

    • (3) Technology Elements That Fall under the Software Group

    • (4) Technology Elements That Fall under the Service Group

    • Definition of Technical Element Classification (11 Elements in Total)

    • (1) Sensor/Module

    • (2) Security HW/Other HW

    • (3) Servers, (4) Storage

    • (5) Connectivity

    • (6) Application SW

    • (7) Security SW/Other SW

    • (8) Analytics SW

    • (9) IoT Platform

    • (10) Installation Services, (11) Operation Services

  • Methodology

  • Related Research