target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Dec 2019 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US45719619

IDC PlanScape: The Emerging Technology Team — Managing the Portfolio's Budget and Business Outcomes

By:  David Williams


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Table of Contents

  • IDC PlanScape Figure

    • Figure: IDC PlanScape: Executive Summary of the Emerging Technology Team to Manage the Portfolio's Budget and Business Outcomes

  • Executive Summary

  • Why Is the Emerging Technology Team Important?

    • Figure: Emerging Technologies Team Portfolio Management Activities

    • Figure: End-to-End Portfolio Management Activities

    • Table: Emerging Technologies Team Portfolio Management Activities

  • What Is the Emerging Technology Team?

    • Figure: Estimated Market Maturity Timeline and Product Adoption Plan

    • Figure: Framework Components

    • Figure: Framework Inputs and Outputs

    • The Framework

    • Figure: Technology Adoption and Product Life-Cycle Timeline

    • Reference Model

    • Table: Product Life-Cycle Timeline Attributes

    • Market Trend and Emerging Technology Attributes

    • Table: General Technology Attributes

    • Table: Technology Attributes Specific to Market and Technology Trends

    • Company Attributes

    • Pricing and Licensing Attributes

    • Table: Pricing Models Pros and Cons

    • Value Measurement Attributes

    • Table: Example of Value Measurement Attributes

  • Who Are the Key Stakeholders?

    • Table: Key Stakeholders

  • How Can My Organization Take Advantage of the Emerging Technology Team?

    • Figure: Staying Ahead of the Emerging Technologies Adoption Curve

    • Transitioning Portfolio Management to a Decision Framework

    • Table: Transition Focus Areas

    • Table: Results of Transitioning from Traditional to Strategic Portfolio Management

    • Delivering the New Portfolio Management Process

    • Figure: The New Portfolio Management Process

    • Ranking Technology Against Attributes

    • Proving the Concept

  • Advice for Technology Leaders

  • Related Research