target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2021 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US47482220

IDC PlanScape: Regulatory Compliance in Cloud Environments

By:  Mike Chapple


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Table of Contents

  • IDC PlanScape Figure

    • Figure: IDC PlanScape: Executive Summary of Regulatory Compliance in Cloud Environments

  • Executive Summary

  • Why Is Regulatory Compliance in Cloud Environments Important?

    • Organizations Are Shifting Workloads to the Cloud

    • Adopting Cloud Solutions May Change Compliance Strategies

    • Cloud Vendors Have Varying Degrees of Compliance Sophistication

    • Table: Compliance Offerings from Major IaaS Providers

  • What Is Regulatory Compliance in Cloud Environments?

    • Figure: Security and Compliance Overlap Significantly

    • Define the Scope of Cloud Compliance Efforts

    • Table: Selected Compliance Requirements

    • Table: Example: GLBA Compliance Plan Excerpt

    • Understanding the Shared Responsibility Model

    • Figure: Shared Responsibility Model for Cloud Compliance

  • Who Are the Key Stakeholders?

    • Table: Key Stakeholders

  • How Can My Organization Take Advantage of Regulatory Compliance in Cloud Environments?

    • Leverage Cloud-Centric Technology

    • Integrate Cloud Monitoring with SOC Activities

    • Trust But Verify: Conduct Routine Auditing and Assessment of Cloud Vendors

  • Advice for Technology Leaders

    • Figure: Essential Guidance for Cloud Compliance

  • Related Research