target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2021 - Document type: IDC FutureScape - Doc  Document number: # US48082521

IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Data and Content Technologies 2022 Predictions


  • Dan Vesset Loading
  • Marci Maddox Loading
  • Carl W. Olofson Loading
  • Stewart Bond Loading
  • Lynne Schneider Loading
  • Amy Machado Loading
  • Dr. Chris Marshall Loading
  • John Rydning
  • Philip Carnelley
  • Takashi Manabe Loading
  • Enrique Phun Loading
  • Ali Zaidi
  • Ray Huo
  • Steve Charbonnier


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Table of Contents

  • IDC FutureScape Figure

    • Figure: IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Data and Content Technologies 2022 Top 10 Predictions

  • Executive Summary

  • IDC FutureScape Predictions

    • Summary of External Drivers

    • Predictions: Impact on Technology Buyers

    • Prediction 1: By 2023, 60% of G2000 Enterprises Will Have a Data Control Plane Architecture to Enable DataOps, Propel ML-Based Data Engineering, Reduce Data Risks, and Propel Innovation Among Gen D Workers

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 2: By 2027, 60% of Spending on Data Capture and Movement Technology Will Be on Streaming Data Pipelines, Enabling a New Generation of Real-Time Simulation, Optimization, and Recommendation Capabilities

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 3: By 2024, 25% of Business Intelligence Solutions Will Incorporate Intelligent Knowledge Networks, Extending Core ML-Based User Augmentation with Collaborative and Collective Intelligence Functionality

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 4: By 2025, 60% of G1000 Businesses Will Develop and Publish Formal Ontologies About the Internal and External Objects and Metrics Most Relevant to Them

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 5: By 2026, the Lack of an Analytics Control Plane Will Drive 33% of G2000 Enterprises to Adopt Decisioning Platforms with Unified Analytics, Business Rules, Workflow, and Collaboration Capabilities

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 6: By 2023, Despite Two-Thirds of Large Enterprises Citing Use of Video in Employee and Customer Communications, Less than 15% of Them Will Apply Video Analysis to Interpretive Decisioning Across Use Cases

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 7: By 2024, 65% of G2000 Enterprises Will Form Data-Sharing Partnerships with External Stakeholders via Data Clean Rooms to Increase Interdependence While Safeguarding Data Privacy and Precious Data Assets

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 8: By 2026, to Elevate Their Data Culture, 60% of G2000 Enterprises Will Have Data Literacy Programs, Including Training to Help Employees Spot Misinformation and Communicate or Influence with Data

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 9: By 2026, 75% of G2000 Enterprises Will Have Completely Digitized and Transformed Their Document Processes, Leveraging AI to Support Orchestration and Decisioning in Content-Centric Workflows

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 10: By 2025, 55% of G2000 Enterprises Will Deploy Graph Databases, Recognizing This Technology's Applicability to a Growing Set of Use Cases Involving Relationship, Influence, Path, and Pattern Analysis

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

  • Advice for Technology Buyers

  • External Drivers: Detail

    • The Future Enterprise — Thriving in a Jungle of Agile Innovation

    • Embracing Digital First — New Strategies for Complexity and Ubiquity

    • The Velocity of Connectedness — The Future Is Data in Motion

    • Intelligence on Demand — Navigating the Torrent of Data

    • Digital Ecosystem — Thriving in a Multiplatform World

    • Workforce Outlook — Redefining Teams, Reinventing Models, and Rethinking Leadership

    • Engagement Reimagined — From Responsive to Anticipatory

  • Learn More

    • Related Research