target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2021 - Document type: IDC FutureScape - Doc  Document number: # US48297821

IDC FutureScape: Worldwide CIO Agenda 2022 Predictions


  • Serge Findling
  • Marc Strohlein
  • Joseph C. Pucciarelli


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Table of Contents

  • IDC FutureScape Figure

    • Figure: IDC FutureScape: Worldwide CIO Agenda 2022 Top 10 Predictions

  • Executive Summary

  • IDC FutureScape Predictions

    • Summary of External Drivers

    • Predictions: Impact on Technology Buyers

    • Prediction 1: Through 2026, 65% of CIOs Will Sustain a Cycle of Tech-Based Empowerment, Agility, and Resilience Through Collaborative Governance, New Service Delivery Models, and a Business Outcomes Orientation

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 2: By 2023, 60% of CIOs Will Be Primarily Measured for Their Ability to Cocreate New Business Models and Outcomes Through Extensive Enterprise and Ecosystemwide Collaboration

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 3: By 2025, 75% of CIOs and CFOs Will Be Forced to Accelerate or Enact Formal Technical Debt Management Practices Due to Project Delays or Failures Caused by Unresolved Technical Debt

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 4: Given the Rising Imperative for Hybrid and Smart Workplaces, by 2024, 60% of CIOs Will Reimagine User Support and Create COE-Based Teams to Guide the Necessary Investments in Technology and Process

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 5: By 2026, 85% of Organizations Whose Data Practices Inhibit Their Business and Operating Strategies Will Empower CIOs to Lead Cross-Enterprise Investments in Data Governance, Quality, and Compliance

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 6: By 2024, 40% of CIOs Will Fail to Effectively Evolve IT's Capability to Deliver Modern Digital Infrastructures, Provide Ecosystem Tech Governance, and Support Architecture-Driven Business Outcomes

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 7: Driven by Investor Pressure to Minimize SG&A Expenses, by 2024, 40% of Organizations Will Shift at Least 25% of IT Spending to Direct Cost Aligned with Specific LOB Products/Services

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 8: Despite the Cost and Friction, 60% of CIOs Will Embrace Ecosystemwide Multifactor Authentication for Its Efficacy as an Essential Minimum to Counter Rising Cybersecurity Threats by 2022

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 9: By 2025, 60% of CIOs Will Collaborate to Harness Industry Ecosystem Capabilities as a Critical Source of Innovation, Data Sharing, Differentiation, and Cybersecurity Risk Management

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 10: By 2023, Businesses Will Require 55% of G2000 CIOs to Implement Sustainable IT, Embedding Environmental, Social, and Governance Practices into the Technology Life Cycle from Acquisition to Disposal

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

  • Advice for Technology Buyers

  • External Drivers: Detail

    • Pervasive Disruption Continues — Volatility, Opportunity, and Resilience

    • Cybersecurity and Risk — The Threat Environment Just Keeps Scaling

    • Embracing Digital First — New Strategies for Complexity and Ubiquity

    • Intelligence on Demand — Navigating the Torrent of Data

    • Digital Ecosystem — Thriving in a Multiplatform World

    • Environmental and Social Responsibility — A New Stakeholder-Driven Imperative

    • Workforce Outlook — Redefining Teams, Reinventing Models, and Rethinking Leadership

  • Learn More

    • Related Research