target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Feb 2023 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US50380822

Worldwide Semiconductor Market Shares, 3Q22: Data Processors in Primary Clients (PCs, Media Tablets, and Phones)

By:  Phil Solis Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC Market Share Figure

    • Figure: Worldwide Data Processing Semiconductors in Primary Clients 3Q22 Share Snapshot

  • Executive Summary

    • Figure: Semiconductor View by Market

  • Advice for Technology Suppliers

    • The High End of the Smartphone Market is More Stable

    • The PC Market Has Been Hit Hard, But Keep It In Context

  • Market Share

    • Figure: Worldwide Data Processing Semiconductors in Primary Clients (PCs, Phones, and Tablets) Vendor Landscape, 3Q22

  • Who Shaped the Quarter

  • Market Context

    • Significant Market Developments

  • Methodology

  • Market Definition

    • Deployment Location

    • IoT/Endpoints

    • Primary Clients

    • Edge Infrastructure

    • Heavy Edge Infrastructure

    • Light Edge Infrastructure

    • Communications Infrastructure

    • Datacenter/Cloud

  • Related Research