target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50917724

2023 Worldwide Competitive Landscape of Automotive Semiconductor

By:  Adela Guo Loading


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Table of Contents

  • Executive Snapshot

    • Figure: Key Takeaways and Recommendations to Automotive Semiconductor Players

  • New Market Developments and Dynamics

    • Competitive Landscape

    • Market Share

    • Figure: Market Share of Major Players in 2023

    • Top Players Analysis

    • Infineon Analysis

    • Product Portfolio

    • Figure: Infineon's Product Portfolio

    • Infineon's Advantage

    • Figure: Infineon's Advantage Analysis

    • Figure: Infineon's Capabilities Analysis

    • Figure: Infineon's Actions Analysis

    • NXP Analysis

    • Product Portfolio

    • Figure: NXP's Product Portfolio

    • Figure: NXP's System Solution

    • NXP's Advantage

    • Figure: NXP's Advantage Analysis

    • Figure: NXP's Capabilities Analysis

    • STMicroelectronics Analysis

    • Product Portfolio

    • Figure: STMicroelectronics' Product Portfolio

    • STMicroelectronics' Advantage

    • Figure: STMicroelectronics' Advantage Analysis

    • TI Analysis

    • Product Portfolio

    • Figure: TI's Product Portfolio

    • TI's Advantage

    • Figure: TI's Advantage

    • Renesas Analysis

    • Product Portfolio

    • Figure: Renesas' Product Portfolio

    • Renesas' Advantage

    • Figure: Renesas' Advantage

    • Comparison of Top Players

    • Figure: Product, Technology, and Acquisition Comparison of Top Players

    • Figure: Market Segment, Global Presence Comparison of Top Players

    • Industry Development Trends

    • Technology Trends

    • Electrification of Vehicles

    • Autonomous Driving and ADAS

    • Connectivity and V2X Communication

    • Functional Safety and Cybersecurity

    • Integration and Miniaturization

    • Competitive Landscape Trends

    • Increased Consolidation and Strategic Partnerships

    • Emergence of New Players

    • Focus on Sustainability and Energy Efficiency

    • Geopolitical Factors and Supply Chain Management

  • Advice for the Technology Supplier

    • Figure: Suggestions to Automotive Semiconductor Players

  • Learn More

    • Related Research

    • Synopsis