target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Taxonomy - Doc  Document number: # US51735424

IDC's Worldwide Public Cloud Infrastructure as a Service Taxonomy, 2024


  • Dave McCarthy Loading
  • Jasdeep Singh Loading
  • Ashish Nadkarni Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC's Worldwide Public Cloud Infrastructure as a Service Taxonomy

    • Figure: Public Cloud Infrastructure as a Service Primary Segments

  • Public Cloud Infrastructure as a Service Taxonomy Changes for 2024

  • Taxonomy Overview

    • Scope of Taxonomy

    • Cloud Deployment Models

    • Figure: Cloud Infrastructure Deployment Models

    • What Is a Public Cloud Infrastructure Service?

    • Public (Shared) Cloud Infrastructure Services

    • Dedicated (Private) Infrastructure Cloud Services

    • IDC Tracks Public Cloud Services Revenue

    • Services Revenue Allocation Methodology for Public Cloud IaaS Segments

    • Nuanced Approach to Public Cloud Infrastructure Services Integration with Other Technology/Services

    • Infrastructure as a Service Primary Segments

    • IaaS Compute Services

    • Virtualized x86 Compute

    • Accelerated Compute

    • Bare Metal Compute

    • Other Compute

    • IaaS Storage Services

    • Object Storage

    • Block Storage

    • File Storage

  • Definitions

    • Public (Shared) Cloud Services

    • Dedicated (Private) Cloud Services

    • Hybrid Cloud

    • Multicloud

    • Distributed Cloud

    • Essential Guidance

  • Learn More

    • Related Research

    • Synopsis