target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US52021224

IDC PlanScape: Application Portfolio Modernization and Rationalization

By:  Serge Findling Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC PlanScape Figure

    • Figure: IDC PlanScape: Executive Summary of Application Portfolio Modernization and Rationalization

  • Executive Summary

  • Why Is APMR Important?

  • What Is APMR?

    • Elements of Application Portfolio Management

    • Technical Debt

    • Portfolio Relationships

    • Modernization and Rationalization Capability

    • Governance

    • Processes

    • Talent

    • Technology

    • Data

  • Who Are the Key Stakeholders?

    • Table: Key Stakeholders and Their Responsibilities

  • How Can My Organization Take Advantage of APMR?

    • Initial Rationalization Process

    • Application Modernization and Rationalization as a Continuous Process

    • Figure: APMR Process

    • Inventory: Create/Maintain Application Inventory

    • Assess: Assess/Analyze Applications' Health

    • Figure: Analysis Perspectives

    • Rationalize: Identify Applications for Retirement, Consolidation, or Modernization Based on Predefined Criteria and Prioritization

    • Figure: Prioritization Scorecard

    • Plan: Develop a Detailed Road Map and an Implementation Plan, Considering Dependencies, Resources, and Risk Mitigation Strategies

    • Modernize: Execute the Modernization Plan, Leveraging Modern Technologies, Cloud Computing, and Agile Methodologies

    • Operate and Optimize: Continuously Monitor and Optimize the Modernized Application Portfolio, Ensuring Alignment with Evolving Business Needs and Emerging Technologies

  • Advice for Technology Buyers

  • Related Research