target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52103124

EU AI Act: Summary of Potential Impacts on Digital Commerce, Experience Software, and CX Process Design

By:  Heather Hershey Loading


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Table of Contents

  • Executive Snapshot

    • Figure: Executive Snapshot: EU AI Act — Summary of Potential Impacts on Digital Commerce, Experience Software, and CX Process Design

  • Situation Overview

    • The EU AI Act as of 2024

    • Penalties for Noncompliance

    • Extra Regionality Similar to GDPR, DMA, and DSA

    • Four Risk Categories

    • Digital Commerce and Customer Experience Projected Risk Profiles

    • Scenarios for Potential Risk Status Escalation

    • Common Traits of High-Risk AI Applications

    • Embedded AI

    • Law Applies Beyond AI APIs

    • AI Manipulation of Product Content

    • AI-Generated Product Content

    • AI Disclosures May Become Noise, Akin to the Cookie Acceptance Banners That Resulted from GDPR

    • Disclosures Turning into "Noise"

    • How Disclosure Fatigue Develops

    • CX Design Strategies to Mitigate Noisy AI Disclosure

    • Regional Requirements and Compliance Strategies

    • Workarounds and Strategic Adjustments

    • Risk Categories and Compliance

    • Transparency Requirements

    • Prohibited Practices

    • Data Protection and Privacy

    • Enforcement

    • Benefits of Disclosure

  • Advice for the Technology Buyer

  • Learn More

    • Related Research

    • Synopsis