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Transform Your Business With AI-Powered Solutions

Discover how generative AI is revolutionizing enterprises by driving efficiency, innovation, and growth.

Unlock The Potential Of GenAI Use Cases Across Your Enterprise

Explore cutting-edge AI use cases tailored to enhance operations, elevate customer experiences, and secure your digital assets.

Dedicated to Helping Our Customers Meet the AI Moment

With more than 100 analysts from around the world dedicated to understanding your unique questions and needs, IDC empowers you to bring the digital business impact of AI to market. We offer the most comprehensive AI research on the market, with themes including infrastructure, platforms and models, security, applications and services, plus extensive industry and regional coverage.

Unlock the latest in AI use cases, deployment best practices, spending guides and trackers through our Subscription Research Services and Custom Solutions, plus get access to our team of global analysts for guidance along the way. Wherever you are on your AI journey, IDC will help navigate your roadmap to AI Everywhere.

IDC Use Case Offerings

Ready to accelerate your AI journey? IDC's Use Case Solutions will help you achieve your goals.

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Explore AI and GenAI Market Size and Spend

How will customers spend their AI dollars? Dive into opportunity size and spending forecasts by geography, industry, use case, and more with IDC’s AI and GenAI Spending Guide.

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Unleash the Full Business Potential of AI

Ready to harness AI’s full potential in your business? Subscribe to IDC’s Research and get access to a team of expert analysts ready to help you find the best AI use case for your business.

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Understand and Align to Customer Priorities

Need to align customer KPIs with effective strategies? Use IDC’s GenAI Use Case Discovery Tool to guide your approach and truly resonate with your market.

Access Data

Fuel Go-To-Market and Investment Roadmaps

Need data to guide and action your commercial AI strategies? Gain the context for critical decision-making with IDC’s Data & Analytics for AI and GenAI.

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.


Elevate sales performance across planning, execution, and optimization with cutting-edge generative AI solutions.

Sales Planning and Forecasting

Gain a competitive edge with AI-powered sales planning, forecasting, and assortment optimization.

  • Territory Planning

    Optimize territory planning through AI-driven analytics and modeling.

  • Enhanced Sales Forecasting

    Enhance sales forecasting accuracy with AI-powered predictive models.

  • Assortment Planning Platforms

    Leverage AI-based assortment planning platforms for intelligent merchandising.

Digital Commerce

Create exceptional digital commerce experiences through AI-driven search, personalization, and virtual solutions.

  • AI-Enhanced Product Search/Discovery

    Augment product search and discovery with AI-enhanced capabilities.

  • Visual Search/Discovery

    Enable visual search and discovery powered by computer vision AI.

  • Autonomous Post-Purchase Communications

    Automate post-purchase communications using generative AI models.

  • Bi-Directional Customer Experience Personalization

    Deliver bi-directional, AI-driven customer experience personalization.

  • Virtual Try-On Solutions

    Offer virtual try-on solutions leveraging AI and AR/VR.

Guided Selling

Streamline and enhance guided selling motions leveraging AI automation, recommendations, and insights.

  • Email Generation

    Automate email generation with AI writing assistance.

  • Generative Recommendations/Discovery

    Surface generative recommendations from AI models.

  • Task Automation

    Streamline tasks through AI-powered automation and workflows.

Prospecting/Lead Generation

Identify high-value prospects and leads more effectively using AI analytics and predictive models.

  • Personalized Digital Interactions

    Facilitate personalized digital interactions through conversational AI.

  • Customer Segmentation and Targeting

    Improve customer segmentation and targeting with AI-driven analytics.

  • Predictive Lead Scoring

    Prioritize leads effectively using AI-based predictive scoring models.

Sales Enablement

Boost sales productivity and performance with AI-generated content, training, and intelligent assistance.

  • Text Prompt Interface

    Provide text prompt interface for AI-generated sales assistance.

  • Generative Content Creation

    Generate tailored content rapidly using generative AI models.

  • Personalized Training & Coaching

    Personalize training and coaching through AI-driven adaptive learning.

Contract & Proposal Management

Accelerate contract and proposal cycles with AI document generation, analytics, and workflow automation.

  • Drafting Contracts

    Draft contracts intelligently using AI document generation.

  • Managing Contracts

    Manage contracts efficiently with AI-enabled contract analytics.

  • Proposal Development

    Accelerate proposal development through AI writing assistance.

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.


Supercharge marketing strategies and operations through advanced generative AI capabilities for personalization, content creation, analytics, and intelligent experiences.

Marketing Operations

Optimize marketing operations through AI-powered automation, analytics, and real-time optimization.

  • Continuous micro segmentation

    Conduct real-time audience micro-segmentation for hyper-targeted campaigns.

  • Instantaneous Insights

    Gain instantaneous insights into customer behavior and market trends.

  • Autonomous Voice-of-Customer

    Capture and analyze the voice of your customers autonomously.

Content Marketing

Supercharge content marketing with AI for rapid content creation, optimization, and intelligent distribution.

  • Dynamic SEO Optimization

    Optimize content and campaigns dynamically for better SEO rankings.

  • Derivative Content

    Generate derivative marketing content rapidly from existing assets.

  • Local Context Translation

    Translate messages into localized contexts automatically for resonance.

Advertising and Creative Services

Drive more impactful advertising and promotions by leveraging AI audience testing, targeting, and dynamic creative.

  • Video Creation from Scripts

    Produce engaging videos seamlessly from scripts and storyboards.

  • Audience Tested Advertising

    Test ad campaigns across audiences in real-time for optimization.

  • Personalized Promotions

    Deliver hyper-personalized promotions at scale with precision targeting

Campaign Marketing

Deliver hyper-personalized experiences across channels and touchpoints with AI-driven personalization.

  • Dynamic Journey Discovery

    Discover dynamic customer journeys through AI-powered analytics.

  • Unique Messaging at Scale

    Create unique messaging at scale for distinct audience segments.

  • Smart LDR

    Deploy smart, AI-driven lead scoring and routing systems.

  • Autonomous campaign

    Execute autonomous, self-optimizing marketing campaigns end-to-end.

Web Marketing

Create seamless, intelligent digital experiences by infusing AI across websites, apps, and digital properties.

  • Personalized Digital Assistant

    Offer personalized AI digital assistants for customer engagement.

  • Hyper-personalized web page

    Serve hyper-personalized web experiences through AI personalization.

  • Personalized Offers

    Generate personalized product offers and recommendations intelligently.

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.

Customer Service

Transform customer service delivery and engagement by leveraging powerful generative AI for automation, personalization, knowledge management, and self-service capabilities.

Contact Center

Discover powerful AI solutions to transform your contact center operations for superior customer experiences.

  • Conversational AI Chatbots/Intelligent IVR

    Deploy conversational AI chatbots/intelligent IVR for seamless interactions.

  • Agent-Assist Knowledge Base

    Establish context-assist knowledge base powered by generative AI.

  • Workforce Optimization / Workforce Management

    Optimize workforce through AI-driven workforce management solutions.

  • Real-time Interaction Summarization

    Summarize interactions in real-time using AI for enhanced analytics.

  • Multi-lingual Support

    Enable multi-lingual support with AI language translation models.

Customer Service

Elevate your customer service with AI-driven automation, personalization, and seamless resolutions.

  • Automated 24/7 Customer Service

    Automate 24/7 customer service through conversational AI assistants.

  • Contextualized Responses to Customer Queries

    Contextualize responses to customer queries using generative AI.

  • Autonomous Escalation

    Facilitate autonomous escalation of issues with AI-driven workflows.

Customer Communities & Engagement

Leverage AI to foster deeper customer connections, insights, and engagement across communities.

  • VoC Closed Loop Insights - Experience Enhancements

    Derive closed-loop insights and enhance experiences with generative AI models.

  • Localized Customer Engagement

    Localize customer engagement using AI language translation capabilities.

  • VoC Closed Loop Insights - Product and Service Improvements

    Leverage generative AI to curate knowledge content and improve products/services.

  • Generative Curated Knowledge Content

    Leverage generative AI to curate knowledge content and improve products/services.

Field Service

Empower your field teams with AI for optimized knowledge access, service delivery, and asset management.

  • Pre-Visit Summarization

    Summarize pre-visit details and provide knowledge through AI assistants.

  • On-Demand Knowledge Search

    Enable on-demand knowledge search with generative AI models.

  • Generative Field Service Debrief

    Generate post-service debriefs and documentation using AI.

  • Closed Loop Technical Knowledge Management

    Manage closed-loop technical knowledge sharing with AI models.

  • Automated Work Equipment Tracking & Supply Orders

    Automate work equipment tracking and supply orders with AI solutions.


Accelerate workforce readiness through AI-augmented training, upskilling, and career development programs.

  • Onboarding

    Accelerate onboarding and reskilling programs with AI-generated training.

  • Reskilling

    Accelerate onboarding and reskilling programs with AI-generated training.

  • Career Growth

    Support career growth via AI-powered skills mapping and recommendations.

  • Simulations

    Leverage simulations driven by generative AI for training scenarios.

  • Testing

    Automate testing and assessments using AI-generated content.

Self Service

Delight customers with intuitive self-service powered by AI for seamless digital experiences.

  • Customer Self-Scheduling

    Facilitate customer self-scheduling through conversational interfaces.

  • Self-service Knowledge Base

    Build self-service knowledge bases using AI knowledge extraction.

  • Hyper-personalized Search & Recommendations

    Personalize search and recommendations with AI-driven personalization.

  • Ad-hoc Bundled Offer Creation

    Generate ad-hoc bundled offers through AI offer recommendation engines.

  • Digital Assistants / Chatbots

    Deploy AI digital assistants and chatbots for self-service support.

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.


Transform IT operations by leveraging AI to enhance user experience, boost service performance, optimize financial operations, and automate key processes.

End User Experience

Elevate user interactions with AI, enhancing support and personalization.

  • Intelligent IT Service Desk Response

    Automate IT service desk responses with intelligent AI.

  • Ticket Deflection/Personalized Routing

    Deflect tickets and route them personalized with AI.

  • Knowledgebase Search and Summarization

    Improve search and summarization in knowledgebases.

  • Virtual Agent and Conversational AI

    Enhance user support with AI-driven virtual agents.

  • Personalized Dashboard Generation

    Generate personalized dashboards using AI insights.

Service Performance

Boost service performance through AI-driven analytics and automation.

  • Noise Reduction

    Reduce noise in service data using AI algorithms.

  • Service Observability

    Enhance observability for better service management.

  • Root Cause Analysis

    Automate root cause analysis with AI insights.

  • Dynamic Baselining and Thresholds

    Set dynamic baselines and thresholds using AI.

  • Anomaly Detection

    Detect anomalies in real-time with AI.


Optimize financial operations with predictive analytics and automation.

  • Predictive Resource Capacity

    Forecast resource needs with predictive AI models.

  • Cloud Cost Data Ingestion and Analysis

    Optimize cloud costs with AI-driven analysis.

  • Optimization Recommendation

    Receive optimization recommendations from AI.

  • Automated Scaling

    Implement automated scaling with AI.

Service Automation

Automate IT processes with AI, ensuring efficiency and reliability.

  • Infrastructure as Code

    Manage infrastructure with AI-driven code automation.

  • Usage & Cost Compliance

    Ensure usage and cost compliance using AI.

  • Self-Healing

    Enable self-healing systems with AI interventions.

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.

Software Development

Transform software development with AI-powered solutions, enhancing planning, development, DevOps, quality, and safety.


Enhance project planning with AI-powered strategies for efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration.

  • Scope Management

    Refine project scope to align with business goals.

  • Requirements Documentation

    Automate and streamline requirements gathering.

  • Resource Allocation

    Optimize resource distribution for maximum efficiency.

  • Task Management

    Enhance productivity with AI-driven task management.

  • Collaboration

    Facilitate seamless team collaboration and communication.


Accelerate software development using AI-driven automation, smart tools, and real-time insights.

  • Application Development

    Boost app development with intelligent code suggestions.

  • Application Modernization

    Upgrade legacy systems with AI-driven modernization.

  • Application Maintenance and Operations

    Streamline maintenance with predictive insights.

  • Documentation and Explanation

    Automate comprehensive documentation processes.

  • UI/UX Design and Multimedia Asset Generation

    Enhance design with AI-generated assets.


Optimize DevOps pipelines through AI-powered automation, efficiency, and continuous delivery.

  • Data Preparation

    Automate data cleaning and preparation with AI.

  • Pipeline Efficiency Optimization

    Boost pipeline efficiency with AI insights.

  • Model Training and Tuning

    Streamline model training for optimal performance.

  • Infrastructure as Code

    Manage infrastructure with AI-driven automation.

  • Value Stream Management

    Optimize value streams with AI analytics.


Improve software quality with AI-driven analysis, rigorous testing, and performance optimization.

  • Code Quality Analysis

    Automate code review for higher quality.

  • Testing

    Accelerate testing cycles with AI-driven processes.

  • Risk Assessment and Management

    Identify and manage risks proactively.

  • Performance Optimization

    Enhance app performance with AI insights.

  • Benchmarking Model Performance

    Benchmark AI models for consistent performance.


Ensure robust safety with AI-powered threat detection, security, compliance, and governance.

  • Threat Modeling, Identification, and Remediation

    Identify and mitigate threats proactively.

  • Monitoring

    Enhance security with continuous monitoring.

  • Security Policy and Generation

    Automate policy creation for security compliance.

  • Compliance

    Ensure compliance with AI-driven insights.

  • Ethics Management and Governance

    Manage AI ethics and governance effectively.

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.


Enhance cybersecurity with AI-driven solutions across security operations, application security, information security, risk management, and compliance.

Security Operations

  • Alert Correlation

    Automate alert correlation for faster threat detection.

  • User and Entity Behavioral Analytics

    Analyze behaviors to identify potential threats.

  • Writing Detection Rules

    Create detection rules with AI insights.

  • Guided Investigations

    Streamline investigations with AI guidance.

  • Running and Implementing Playbooks

    Automate playbook execution for threat response.

Application Security

  • Policy Creation

    Develop security policies with AI-driven insights.

  • Proof of Protection and Documentation

    Automate protection validation and documentation.

  • Social Engineering Detection

    Detect social engineering attacks using AI.

Information Security

  • Updating Rules and Policies

    Automate updates to security rules and policies.

  • Showing Results

    Present security results with AI-enhanced clarity.

  • Providing Context

    Offer context for security events using AI.

  • Protection of Sensitive Corporate Data

    Enhance data protection with AI-driven solutions.

Risk/Exposure Management

  • Explanation of Vulnerabilities

    Identify and explain vulnerabilities with AI.

  • Guided Remediation

    Automate remediation guidance for vulnerabilities.

  • Attack Path Explanation

    Map and explain attack paths using AI.


  • Continuous Compliance

    Ensure continuous compliance with AI.

  • Auto Remediation of Decision Making

    Automate compliance decision-making processes.

  • Reducing Human-Led Compliance

    Minimize human involvement in compliance through AI.

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.


Transform finance operations with AI, enhancing expense management, treasury and risk, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and corporate tax and audit.

Expense Management

Optimize expense management with AI-driven insights.

  • Personalized Recommendations

    Automate expense analysis to provide personalized recommendations.

  • Virtual Booking Assistant

    Use AI to manage interview scheduling and coordination efficiently.

  • Travel/Spend Policy Analysis

    Analyze travel and spend policies to optimize recruitment expenses.

Treasury and Risk

Enhance treasury and risk management with AI forecasting.

  • Scenario Analysis and Simulation

    Enhance risk management with AI-driven scenario simulations.

  • Cash Flow Forecasting

    Predict cash flows accurately with AI insights.

  • Liquidity Recommendations

    Optimize liquidity management through AI suggestions.

  • Portfolio Optimization & Risk Management

    Improve portfolio performance with AI-driven risk management.

Accounts Payable

Streamline accounts payable processes with AI automation.

  • Data Extraction Invoices and Receipts

    Automate data extraction from invoices and receipts.

  • Summarize Supplier Emails

    Use AI to summarize and analyze supplier communications.

  • Supplier Communication

    Enhance communication with suppliers through AI insights.

Accounts Receivable

Boost accounts receivable with AI communication and analysis.

  • Customer Communication

    Improve customer interactions and communication with AI.

  • Credit Decisioning

    Predict cash flows accurately with AI insights.

  • Liquidity Recommendations

    Automate credit decision processes with AI analysis.

  • Dunning/Collections

    Streamline collections with AI strategies.

  • Contract Analysis

    Automate contract analysis to ensure compliance and efficiency.

Corporate Tax and Audit

Ensure tax compliance with AI tools and insights.

  • Monitor Tax Content Changes

    Stay updated with tax changes using AI monitoring.

  • Digital Regulatory Assistant

    Ensure compliance with a digital regulatory assistant.

  • Assess and Manage Compliance Risk

    Mitigate compliance risks with AI assessments.

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.


Explore how AI revolutionizes facility management through connected maintenance, service management, property management, workplace management, capital planning, and smart facility innovations, driving efficiency and proactive solutions.

Connected Maintenance

Leverage AI to optimize asset performance, predict failures, and manage life cycles.

  • Asset Performance Reporting

    Use AI to continuously monitor and report on asset performance, enhancing reliability.

  • Digital Twin Models for Performance Predictions

    Implement digital twins to predict equipment failures and improve maintenance schedules.

  • Digital Twin Models for External Impact Predictions

    Utilize AI-driven digital twins to assess potential external impacts on assets.

  • Digital Decommissioning Models for Aging Assets

    Apply AI models to plan and manage the decommissioning of aging assets efficiently.

  • Life-Cycle Management Reporting Generation

    Generate detailed reports on asset life cycles to inform maintenance strategies and decisions.

Connected Service Management

Enhance service delivery and equipment health with AI-assisted solutions.

  • Augmented service execution

    Integrate AI to augment service execution, ensuring higher efficiency and reduced downtime.

  • Automated equipment health response

    Deploy AI systems to automatically respond to equipment health alerts and issues.

  • Intelligent warranty resolution

    Utilize AI to streamline the resolution of warranty claims and improve service response times.

Enhanced Property Management

Improve property and land management with AI-driven analytics and automation.

  • Automated Lease Administration

    Automate the lease administration process to reduce manual errors and save time.

  • Real Estate Analytics

    Employ AI for advanced real estate analytics, enhancing decision-making and property value assessments.

  • Connected Property Management

    Connect various property management systems through AI to streamline operations and maintenance.

  • Commercial Land Management

    Optimize the management of commercial land assets using AI-driven insights and automation.

Enhanced Workplace Management

Optimize workplace operations with AI-powered tools and services.

  • Augmented employee tracking

    Implement AI for enhanced tracking and monitoring of employee movements and productivity.

  • Wayfinding and navigation

    Use AI to provide accurate wayfinding and navigation solutions within facilities.

  • Enterprise service management

    Streamline enterprise service processes with AI, improving efficiency and service delivery.

  • Digital property access control

    Enhance security with AI-driven digital access control systems for facilities.

Intelligent Capital Planning and Execution

Strategize and execute capital projects with AI-enhanced planning and management.

  • Project Ideation

    Leverage AI to generate innovative project ideas and enhance planning processes.

  • Design and Layout Planning

    Optimize the design and layout of projects using AI-driven analytics and simulations.

  • Construction Project Management and Scheduling

    Enhance construction management with AI for better scheduling and resource allocation.

  • Scenario Planning and Risk Management

    Use AI for advanced scenario planning and proactive risk management.

  • Budget Allocation and Prioritization

    Apply AI to effectively allocate budgets and prioritize projects based on data-driven insights.

Smart Facility

Transform facilities into smart, autonomous environments with AI technology.

  • Intelligent Building Energy Management

    Implement AI for intelligent energy management, reducing consumption and costs.

  • Autonomous Facility

    Develop fully autonomous facility operations through advanced AI systems.

  • Unified Sustainability Management

    Integrate AI to unify and enhance sustainability initiatives across facilities.

  • Augmented Power Consumption Monitoring

    Use AI to monitor and optimize power usage, improving efficiency and reducing waste.

  • Optimized Facility Health and Safety

    Enhance health and safety measures within facilities through AI-driven monitoring and proactive solutions.

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.

Supply Chain

Explore how AI transforms supply chain management by enhancing planning, warehousing, logistics, network design, factory operations, and people productivity.


Enhance supply chain planning with AI-driven demand forecasting and risk management.

  • Dynamic Demand Forecasting & Inventory Management

    Use AI to dynamically forecast demand and manage inventory levels accurately.

  • Supply Chain Orchestration

    Leverage AI for seamless orchestration of supply chain activities.

  • Enhanced Risk Management and Identification

    Employ AI to identify and mitigate risks within the supply chain.


Optimize warehousing operations with AI for better inventory management and labor forecasting.

  • Automated Inventory Replenishment

    Use AI to automate the replenishment of inventory, ensuring optimal stock levels.

  • Workforce Planning/Labor Forecasting

    Utilize AI to forecast labor needs and optimize workforce planning.

  • Order Picking/Slotting

    Enhance order picking and slotting processes with AI-driven solutions.

Logistics/Global Trade

Streamline logistics and global trade operations with AI-driven optimization and automation.

  • Optimizing Load Balancing and Distribution

    Use AI to optimize load balancing and distribution for efficient logistics.

  • Automated Customs Clearance

    Leverage AI to automate customs clearance processes, reducing delays.

  • Freight Volume Forecasting

    Employ AI to forecast freight volumes and improve transportation planning.

Network Design

Enhance supply chain network design with AI for better performance and sustainability.

  • Service Level Agreement Optimization and Insight

    Use AI to optimize service level agreements and gain insights into performance.

  • Supply Chain Network Design

    Leverage AI to design efficient and resilient supply chain networks.

  • Supply Chain Carbon Footprint

    Utilize AI to monitor and reduce the carbon footprint of supply chain activities.

Factory Floor

Optimize factory floor operations with AI for maintenance, root cause analysis, and agile planning.

  • Asset Maintenance

    Use AI to predict and schedule maintenance for factory assets, reducing downtime.

  • Root Cause Analysis

    Employ AI to identify root causes of issues and streamline corrective actions.

  • Agile Production Planning

    Enhance production planning with AI-driven agile methodologies.

People Productivity

Improve people productivity with AI-driven task automation and skill development.

  • Asset Operation Optimization

    Use AI to optimize asset operations and enhance productivity.

  • Employee Augmentation – Task Automation

    Leverage AI to automate repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on higher-value activities.

  • Accelerate Time-to-Expertise

    Utilize AI to accelerate the time it takes for employees to gain expertise and become proficient in their roles.

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.


Discover how AI revolutionizes procurement practices by enhancing sourcing, purchasing, supplier relationships, spend analytics, contract management, and risk management.


Optimize sourcing processes with AI-driven insights and automation.

  • Supply Market Summary Creation

    Use AI to generate comprehensive summaries of supply markets for better decision-making.

  • RFx Dashboards

    Implement AI-powered dashboards to manage and analyze RFx data efficiently.

  • Negotiations

    Leverage AI to support and enhance negotiation strategies and outcomes.

  • RFP Creation/Development

    Automate the creation and development of RFPs using AI for accuracy and efficiency.


Streamline purchasing with AI to improve terms, speed, and approvals.

  • Dynamic Payment Term Generation

    Use AI to generate dynamic payment terms that optimize cash flow and vendor relationships.

  • Real-Time Drill Down

    Employ AI to provide real-time drill-down capabilities for detailed purchasing analysis.

  • Automated Approval Routing

    Automate approval processes in purchasing to increase speed and reduce errors.

Supplier Relationship

Enhance supplier relationships with AI-driven performance and communication tools.

  • Performance Management

    Utilize AI to manage and monitor supplier performance effectively.

  • Supplier Sourcing and Qualification

    Use AI to source and qualify suppliers based on predefined criteria and performance data.

  • Supplier Communication

    Enhance communication with suppliers using AI-powered tools for better collaboration and efficiency.

Spend Analytics

Transform spend analytics with AI for deeper insights and predictive capabilities.

  • Spend Report Creation

    Create detailed spend reports using AI to identify savings opportunities and trends.

  • Simulations

    Use AI simulations to forecast and plan procurement activities and budget impacts.

  • Predictive Analytics

    Employ predictive analytics to anticipate future spending patterns and optimize procurement strategies.

Contract Management

Streamline contract management with AI for improved accuracy and efficiency.

  • Contract Summarization

    Use AI to summarize contract terms and conditions quickly and accurately.

  • Scenario Analysis

    Leverage AI to conduct scenario analysis for contract negotiations and renewals.

  • Contract Drafting

    Automate the drafting of contracts using AI to ensure compliance and reduce errors.

Risk Management

Mitigate procurement risks with AI-driven risk assessment and management tools.

  • Persona-Based Dashboards

    Implement AI-driven dashboards tailored to different personas for better risk visibility.

  • Scenario Generation

    Use AI to generate risk scenarios and plan mitigation strategies proactively.

  • Scoring of Risk Events

    Employ AI to score and prioritize risk events based on potential impact and likelihood.

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.


Explore how AI revolutionizes HR practices by enhancing recruitment, employee engagement, professional development, performance management, HR delivery, and strategic workforce analytics.

Recruitment and Talent Acquisition

Streamline the recruitment process with AI-powered tools for better candidate sourcing, assessment, and hiring.

  • Requisition Generation

    Automate job requisition generation to quickly address hiring needs.

  • Virtual Booking Assistant

    Use AI to manage interview scheduling and coordination efficiently.

  • Travel/Spend Policy Analysis

    Analyze travel and spend policies to optimize recruitment expenses.

Professional Growth and Career Development

Enhance career development with AI-driven personalized plans and mentorship programs.

  • Personalized Career Planning

    Create tailored career development plans using AI insights.

  • Gen AI-Driven Upskilling

    Implement AI-driven programs to identify and close skill gaps.

  • Optimal Mentorship

    Leverage AI to match employees with ideal mentors.

Performance Management

Optimize performance management with AI for predictive analytics and enhanced feedback.

  • Predictive Performance Analysis

    Use AI to predict employee performance and identify areas for improvement.

  • Enhanced Feedback and Review

    Automate feedback collection and review processes with AI.

  • Goal Setting and Development Plans

    Set and track employee goals and development plans using AI.

  • Supplier Financing

    Facilitate supplier financing by evaluating performance metrics with AI.

Employee Engagement and Retention

Boost employee engagement and retention with AI-driven insights and personalized strategies.

  • Informed 1:1 Communication

    Enhance 1:1 communication with AI-generated insights.

  • Employee Retention Predictions

    Use AI to predict and mitigate employee turnover risks.

  • Skills Relevance

    Ensure skills remain relevant with AI-driven training programs.

  • Intelligent Recommendations

    Provide personalized recommendations to improve employee satisfaction.

Enhanced HR Delivery and Employee Experience

Transform HR delivery with AI, offering better self-service and management automation.

  • Individual Self-service

    Implement AI-driven self-service options for employees.

  • Guided Management

    Utilize AI to guide managers in HR processes and decision-making.

  • Key Planning Automation

    Automate key HR planning tasks with AI.

  • Automated Strategic HR

    Streamline strategic HR initiatives through AI automation.

Strategic HR and Workforce Analytics

Leverage AI for advanced workforce analytics and strategic HR planning.

  • Predictive Attrition Modeling

    Use AI to predict employee attrition and plan retention strategies.

  • Proactive Succession Planning

    Enhance succession planning with AI insights and predictions.

  • Workforce Sentiment Analysis

    Analyze workforce sentiment and morale using AI-driven tools.

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.


Explore how AI transforms legal practices by enhancing case management, contract management, policy management, and litigation support.

Case Management

Improve case management with AI for better legal service delivery and outcomes.

  • Summaries of Case Law

    Utilize AI to create concise summaries of case law, improving research efficiency.

  • Law Firm Paneling

    Use AI to optimize law firm paneling by evaluating firm performance and expertise.

  • Case Outcome Prediction

    Employ AI to predict case outcomes based on historical data and trends.

  • Legal Service Delivery

    Enhance the delivery of legal services with AI-driven process improvements.

  • Managing Intellectual Property Assets

    Streamline the management of intellectual property assets using AI for tracking and analysis.

Contract Management

Streamline contract management with AI for improved accuracy and efficiency.

  • Review of Third-Party Contracts

    Use AI to review third-party contracts quickly and accurately.

  • Repository Management

    Manage contract repositories efficiently with AI-powered tools.

  • Draft Contracts

    Automate the drafting of contracts using AI to ensure compliance and reduce errors.

Policy Management

Enhance policy management with AI for better compliance and localization.

  • Policy Change Management

    Utilize AI to manage policy changes effectively and ensure compliance.

  • Language Translation and Localization

    Apply AI for accurate language translation and localization of policies.

Litigation Support

Support litigation processes with AI to improve document handling and case preparation.

  • Document Summarization

    Employ AI to summarize lengthy legal documents quickly and accurately.

  • Document Prioritization

    Use AI to prioritize documents based on relevance and importance.

  • Predictive Coding

    Leverage AI for predictive coding to streamline e-discovery processes.

  • Post-Production Support

    Enhance post-production support with AI-driven analysis and organization of legal documents.

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.

Engineering R&D

Explore how AI revolutionizes engineering R&D by enhancing product requirements, system modeling, design, compliance, simulation, quality, R&D, and collaboration.

Product Requirements & System Modeling

Optimize product requirements and system modeling with AI-driven insights and feedback.

  • Improve Requirements Modeling

    Use AI to refine and enhance the accuracy of requirements modeling.

  • Design Best Practice Optioning

    Leverage AI to identify and implement best design practices.

  • Closed-loop Customer Feedback

    Employ AI to predict case outcomes based on historical data and trends.

Product Design

Enhance product design with AI-driven coaching, assistance, and ideation.

  • Product Development Coaching

    Employ AI to provide coaching and guidance throughout the product development process.

  • Generative Design Assistant

    Use AI as a design assistant to explore innovative solutions and optimize designs.

  • Generative Concept Ideation

    Leverage AI to generate and evaluate new product concepts and ideas.

Product Compliance, Simulation & Quality

Improve compliance, simulation, and quality assurance with AI-enhanced tools and processes.

  • Dynamic Service Documentation

    Utilize AI to create and maintain dynamic service documentation.

  • Cross-product Quality Management

    Employ AI to manage and ensure quality across multiple products.

  • Identify Compliance Risks

    Use AI to identify and mitigate compliance risks in the development process.

  • Develop Compliance Reports

    Automate the generation of compliance reports with AI.

  • Develop Training/Simulation Environments

    Create AI-driven training and simulation environments to enhance learning and testing.

Product R&D

Accelerate product research and development with AI-driven data and IP management.

  • IP Library Search/Implementation

    Leverage AI to search and implement intellectual property libraries efficiently.

  • Data Generation and Augmentation

    Use AI to generate and augment data for research and development purposes.

  • Generate Product Software/Firmware

    Utilize AI to automate the creation of product software and firmware.

  • Capitalize on IP Reuse

    Employ AI to identify opportunities for reusing existing intellectual property.

Product Collaboration

Enhance product collaboration with AI-driven tools and multilingual support.

  • Develop Digital Threads

    Use AI to develop and manage digital threads for product lifecycle management.

  • Generative Ecosystem Development

    Leverage AI to create and maintain generative ecosystems for collaborative development.

  • Multilingual/Multidomain Collaboration

    Employ AI to support collaboration across multiple languages and domains.

Discover how IDC can help with your AI transformation journey.

IDG Environmental Policy

International Data Group is committed to protecting the environment, the health and safety of our employees, and the community in which we conduct our business. It is our policy to seek continual improvement throughout our business operations to lessen our impact on the local and global environment. We are committed to environmental excellence, pollution prevention and to purchasing products that reduce the use of natural resources.

We fulfill this mission by a commitment to:

  • Encouraging all partners to share in our mission
  • Understanding environmental issues and sharing information with our partners
  • Recognizing that fiscal responsibility is essential to our environmental future
  • Instilling environmental responsibility as a corporate value
  • Developing innovative and flexible solutions to bring about change
  • Using our platforms and position in the IT industry to promote sustainability
  • Minimize air travel to help reduce our impact on the environment
  • Minimize use of materials and energy consumption in our offices
  • Create a working environment that efficiently uses our office space
  • Develop and maintain a hybrid working model that benefits both our employees and business partners
  • Encourage employees to measure, minimize and collaborate on reducing energy consumption at home and in the office
  • Engaging employees and promoting active participation in environmental and sustainability initiatives