IDC Government Insights: Worldwide Sustainable Transportation and Smart Vehicles Strategies

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Ruthbea Yesner
Ruthbea Yesner

Vice President, Government Insights, Education and Smart Cities

Photo of Sandeep Mukunda
Sandeep Mukunda

Research Manager, Digital Automotive and Transportation Strategi

The IDC Government Insights: Worldwide Sustainable Transportation and Smart Vehicles Strategies service provides thought leadership and market analysis for organizations seeking to understand and capitalize on sustainable mobility and transportation ecosystem opportunities. The program focuses on researching digital automotive, rail, and air solutions, services, and strategies driven by automotive OEMs and government policies, grants, and initiatives for deploying intelligent transportation infrastructure. The topics covered include connected, autonomous, shared, and electric (CASE) mobility trends shaping digital mobility, in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) systems, in-vehicle connected services, software-defined vehicle (SDV) features, over-the-air (OTA) updates, connected vehicle data monetization, open ecosystems, standards, and frameworks, automotive cloud, edge platforms, and AI and GenAI solutions. The smart transportation infrastructure use cases covered include vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications, 5G connectivity, smart parking, electric vehicle (EV) charging, autonomous public transit operation, connected fleet management, and intelligent transportation system (ITS) technologies.


The IDC Government Insights: Worldwide Sustainable Transportation and Smart Vehicles Strategies research advisory service analyzes ICT technologies and services to help shape automotive OEM strategies for developing and managing CASE capabilities and facets of software-defined vehicle architecture in the passenger vehicle market in conjunction with the government's initiatives, policies, and strategies to build intelligent transportation and infrastructure.

Topics Addressed

Throughout the year, this service will address the following topics:

  • Connected vehicle platforms, technologies, and use cases
  • Autonomous vehicle testing, validation, and regulatory updates
  • Electronic/electrical architectures and modernization approaches
  • Data management, monetization, and layered computing approaches
  • Fleet management vendors and opportunities
  • Electric vehicle charging, tollways, and connected roadways
  • Go-to-market engagement, loyalty, and business models
  • Decision-maker technology investment decisions and plans
  • Consumer automotive adoption, usage, buying, and payment trends
  • By rail and air passenger transport service
  • Multimodal passenger travel and smart journey planning

Key Questions Answered

Our research addresses the following issues that are critical to your success:

  1. What are the best practices for IT vendors, cloud and AI services providers, microchip vendors, telecom companies, and other ecosystem participants looking to participate in an increasingly autonomous and connected future?
  2. What impact and opportunities are there for IT suppliers in response to regulation and automotive OEM strategies? How does this impact the investment and commercialization timelines for automotive and transportation innovation?
  3. How will consumer adoption accelerate ecosystem investment in autonomy, connected vehicle services, mobility as a service, and electrification?
  4. In what ways are innovative, disruptive IT vendors looking to upset the status quo? Are they likely to be successful?
  5. How does the availability of real-time data and analytics improve the overall transportation experience for consumers?
  6. How is the automotive ecosystem monetizing vehicle data? What are the markets for this data and what is its value?
  7. How is software-defined vehicle development evolving? Who are the new stakeholders involved?
  8. How are governments promoting sustainable mobility and powering transportation systems with CASE-based technologies?

Who Should Subscribe

Automotive IT products and engineering service providers supporting automotive OEM software-defined product development and management; cloud infrastructure and SaaS-based service providers, telecom companies, and other stakeholders in autonomous and connected vehicle and smart city initiatives; and tech buyers in municipalities and public entities that are building sustainable and intelligent transportation infrastructure