China Small and Medium-Sized, and Digital Native Businesses (Chinese Version)

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IDC's China Small and Medium-Sized, and Digital Native Businesses (Chinese Version) strategy focuses on key market dynamics impacting ICT buying behavior of those companies in China. This program provides rich insight into the digitalization state of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and digital-native businesses (DNBs) in the China market, as well as their needs and buying behavior. This program provides an expert understanding of SMB or DNB technology procurement processes and benchmarks across key technology categories including hardware, security, cloud adoption, and business applications adoption.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Understanding who are the SMBs and DNBs in China
  • Segmentation
  • The technology opportunities of SMBs and DNBs
  • Effective SMB and DNB marketing strategies
  • Benchmarking of product purchase

Core Research

  • China Small and Medium Business Market Scanning and Perspective, 2023
  • China DNB Market Scanning and Perspective, 2023

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. Who are the SMBs and DNBs in China? How do you segment the SMB and DNB market, how is it evolving, and how does it vary by industry, geography, size of company, and digital maturity?
  2. Segmentation (SMB and DNB) — How do they differ, and how do you engage effectively with both?
  3. The technology opportunities of SMBs and DNBs — How is digital transformation shaping the way SMBs and DNBs do business, how mature are they, and how will the market evolve over the next 12 months? What is their buying behavior, and what are their technology preferences across different segments? What opportunities can technology unlock for SMBs or DNBs?
  4. Effective SMB or DNB strategies — How can we define the go-to-market strategies that address key obstacles facing SMBs or DNBs and leverage the channel to effectively engage this segment?
  5. Benchmarking of product purchase — How do they choose the brand and product? How does brand performance impact the market effect?