Security Team

Sophia Wang

Senior Research Analyst

Austin Zhao

Senior Research Manager

Christopher Kissel

Research Vice President, Security & Trust Products

Hoang Nguyen

Group Vice President, Worldwide Tracker Program

Jay Bretzmann

Research Vice President, Security Products

Pete Finalle

Research Manager, Security & Trust

Ryan O’Leary

Research Director, Privacy and Legal Technology

Frank Dickson

Group Vice President, Security & Trust

Mike Jude

Research Director, Endpoint Security

Simon Piff

Research Vice President

Grace Trinidad

Research Director, Future of Trust

Scott Tiazkun

Research Manager, Security Services

Michelle Abraham

Research Director, Security and Trust

Amy Cravens

Research Manager, GRC and ESG Management and Reporting Technologies

Philip Bues

Sr. Research Manager, Cloud Security

Monika Soltysik

Senior Research Analyst, Security & Trust Products

Jennifer Glenn

Research Director

New Research

  • By:  Austin Zhao Loading

    本IDC研究通过IDC MarketScape厂商评估模型对中国扩展检测与响应(XDR)平台厂商进行了评估。研究对象包含了在中国XDR市场具备一定技术水平和市场规模,并且在该领域有持续投入规划,具备不断完善产品和服务能力的主流厂商。IDC 针对入选的XDR平台技术提供商的能力和战略进行综合评估,评估标准包括收入规模、产品技术能力、行业和客户拓展、生态系统建设以及未来发展战略等方面。各维度根据市场情况进一步划分为若干细分项,并配以不同权重,从而形成IDC MarketScape...
  • By: 

    • Monika Soltysik Loading
    • Christopher Kissel Loading
    This IDC Survey is focused on the implementation of security technologies, plans for consolidation, and the likelihood of switching a vendor. In November through December of 2023, IDC conducted a North American Tools/Vendors Consolidation S...
  • By:  Amy Cravens Loading

    The IDC study provides a comprehensive analysis of carbon management platforms, highlighting the increasing need for organizations to track, manage, and report carbon emissions amid evolving regulatory landscapes and stakeholder pressures. ...
  • By: 

    • Frank Dickson Loading
    • Michelle Abraham Loading
    This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights the results of IDC's February 2024 Worldwide CEO Survey. Although IDC typically references a company's CISO in research, the reality is that smaller organizations just do not have a CISO. To answer the q...
  • By: 

    • Frank Dickson Loading
    • Grace Trinidad Loading
    This IDC Survey Spotlight reveals that security continues to be a top concern of AI and automation technologies. Respondents to IDC's March 2024 Future Enterprise Resiliency and Spending Survey cite it as the top concern. Given a less posit...
  • By: 

    • Frank Dickson Loading
    • Michelle Abraham Loading
    This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights the results of IDC's February 2024 Worldwide CEO Survey. The threat landscape has gotten progressively worse since the Target Breach in 2013. Now, cyber-risk is a business risk. Boards of directors need ...
  • By: 

    • Frank Dickson Loading
    • Michelle Abraham Loading
    • Pete Finalle Loading
    • Grace Trinidad Loading
    • Jennifer Glenn Loading
    • Craig Robinson Loading
    • Christopher Rodriguez Loading
    • Philip D. Harris, CISSP, CCSK Loading
    This IDC Market Perspective provides highlights and takeaways from 2024 RSA Conference (RSAC), which took place in San Francisco, May 6–9, 2024, embracing the theme, The Art of Possible. In reality, an artificial intelligence (AI) play seem...
  • By:  Austin Zhao Loading

    2023年,中国Web应用防火墙(WAF)硬件市场规模为13.5亿元。2023年中国硬件WAF市场仍然处于回复阶段,市场整体表现低于预期,相较于2022年呈现了-2.6%的同比负增长。从竞争格局来看,绿盟科技(NSFOCUS)、安恒信息(DAS-Security)和启明星辰集团(Venustech Group)在2023年硬件WAF市场排名前三。其中,绿盟科技始终坚持自主研发,坚持技术自主创新,持续拓展金融、运营商、政府、能源、医疗、教育等行业,以9.9%的市场份额排在第一位...
  • By: 

    • Michelle Abraham Loading
    • Daniel Saroff Loading
    • Christopher Tozzi Loading
    本調査レポートでは、サイバーセキュリティ市場におけるGenerative AI(生成系AI:以下、GenAI)テクノロジーの現状を評価する。サイバーセキュリティベンダーは、GenAIを巡る話題を認識し、過去1年間、さまざまな方法でGenAIを活用する機能を自社のソフトウェアに統合するために競争を続けてきた。サイバーセキュリティソリューションのバイヤーにとっての疑問は、「GenAIは実際にサイバーセキュリティツールの有効性、使いやすさ、価値をどの程度まで高めるのか」ということで...
  • By:  Mike Jude Loading

    This IDC Survey Spotlight illuminates some of the activities that must be performed and the organizations that claim responsibility for accomplishing them. Security at the endpoint is a complex mixture of applications, policies, and user ac...

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