IDC Energy Insights Team

Jeffrey Hojlo

Research Vice President, Future of Industry Ecosystems, Innovation Strategies, & Energy Insights

Robert Parker

Senior Vice President, Enterprise Applications, Data Intelligence, Services, and Industry Research

John Villali

Senior Research Director, IDC Energy Insights

Roberta Bigliani

Group Vice President, Head of Industry Insights, Future of Operations and Industry Ecosystems Executive Lead, IDC Europe

Gaia Gallotti

Research Director, Europe

Jean-François Segalotto

Senior Associate Advisor, IDC Energy Insights, EMEA

Gaurav Verma

Research Director

Dr. Chris Marshall

Vice President, Data, Analytics, AI, Sustainability, and Industry Research

Rakesh Patni

Associate Research Director

New Research

  • By:  Gaurav Verma Loading

    This IDC Survey document presents and examines select data from IDC Energy Insights' Global Utilities and Oil and Gas Survey, 2024 — specifically, oil and gas companies' responses concerning their IT investment directions.IDC Energy Insight...
  • By:  John Villali Loading

    This IDC Perspective examines results from IDC's August 2024 Industry TechPath Survey and highlights some of the trends and areas throughout utility organizations that are seeing increased investment and adoption of cloud technologies and a...
  • By:  John Villali Loading

    This IDC Survey Spotlight examines the initial GenAI use cases that worldwide utilities see as promising and that will provide a return on investment.
  • By:  Gaurav Verma Loading

    This Industry Analysis Perspective is designed to provide technology vendors' sales and marketing teams, as well as product and channel managers, with foundational insight into the worldwide utilities industry in 2024.By understanding how t...
  • By:  Gaurav Verma Loading

    This IDC Market Perspective provides an overview of the O&G industry in 2Q24. It covers M&As, agreements, reorganizations, and major business developments; upstream, midstream, and downstream deals; global LNG contracts; EPC deals; ...
  • By:  Gaurav Verma Loading

    This IDC Market Presentation features IDC's Industry Analysis Perspective of the midstream and downstream oil and gas (O&G) industry in Europe. It provides technology sellers' sales, marketers, and product and channel managers with foun...
  • By:  Gaurav Verma Loading

    本IDC技术买家演示文稿分析了全球价值链上下游油气(O&G)公司如何采用数字孪生。具体而言,该演示文稿将探讨数字孪生的驱动因素、挑战、采用趋势、业务效益、场景和技术能力,同时,还介绍了石油天然气上游、炼油厂和油田资本项目中的数字孪生实施实例。IDC Energy Insights全球油气行业研究和咨询主管Gaurav Verma表示:"过去几年,数字孪生在油气行业运营中的采用越来越多,这反映出人们越来越重视数字孪生在提高运营效率和决策流程方面的价值。"
  • By:  Gaia Gallotti Loading

    This IDC Market Perspective analyzes worldwide smart customer operations in the energy sector. It outlines mergers and acquisitions, agreements, reorganizations, and major business developments; customer care and billing events; customer en...
  • By:  Gaia Gallotti Loading

    This IDC Market Perspective provides an overview of utilities' asset operations in 2Q24. It covers M&As, agreements, reorganizations, and major business developments; new financial deals; major renewables infrastructure projects; major ...
  • By:  Gaia Gallotti Loading

    This IDC Market Perspective provides an overview of the utilities industry in 2Q24, covering M&As, agreements, reorganizations, and major business developments; new financing deals; major renewables infrastructure projects; major green ...

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