IDC Financial Insights Team

Eric Gao

Research Director

Robert Parker

Senior Vice President, Enterprise Applications, Data Intelligence, Services, and Industry Research

Thomas Shuster

Research Director, Worldwide Capital Markets Digital Transformation Strategies

Surya Narayan Saha

Research Manager

Ade Bimi Malidianti

Senior Research Manager

Cyrus Daruwala

Managing Director

Marc DeCastro

Research Director, Consumer Banking

Jerry Silva

Program Vice President

Michael Sek Pheng Yeo

Associate Research Director

Tom Zink

Research Director

Dr. Ashish Kakar

Research Director

Siri Si

Research Manager

Xiao Liu

Research Manager

George Briford

Research Director, IDC Financial Insights

Raymond Pucci

Research Director, Worldwide Digital Lending

Roberta Bigliani

Group Vice President, Head of Industry Insights, Future of Operations and Industry Ecosystems Executive Lead, IDC Europe

Maria Adele Di Comite

Research Director, IDC Financial Insights Corporate and Retail Banking

Dr. Chris Marshall

Vice President, Data, Analytics, AI, Sustainability, and Industry Research

New Research

  • By: 

    • Liu Xiao
    • Eric Gao Loading
    IDC 创新者是指年营业额低于$100M、有创新性技术或突破性商业模式的新兴厂商。本次IDC 创新者研究对北京必示科技有限公司、上海鼎茂信息技术有限公司、优维科技(深圳)有限公司(排名不分先后)在金融行业的智能运维进行了全面调研。“金融行业IT和数字化建设起步早,运维数据、工具及流程经过多年的发展形成了较成熟的体系,智能运维在金融行业的应用场景和实际案例较其他行业更为深入。从厂商格局来看,既涉及传统金融IT厂商,也有更多初创企业加入赛道。‘算法为王’还是以结果为导向赋能现有运...
  • By: 

    • Ritu Jyoti Loading
    • David Schubmehl Loading
    • Neil Ward-Dutton Loading
    • Philip Carter Loading
    • Robert Parker Loading
    This IDC Market Perspective discusses the 4Ps (product, price, place, and promotion) of artificial intelligence software."Cloud and artificial intelligence are synergistic and are driving a virtuous cycle of enterprise software transformati...
  • By:  George Briford Loading

    This IDC PlanScape provides business and technology leaders in the financial services industry with a strategy for ensuring compliance through the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. The study provides a high-level def...
  • By: 

    • Mark Thomason Loading
    • Jordan Jewell
    • Aaron Polikaitis
    • Aaron Press Loading
    • Zachary Rabel
    • Lynne Schneider Loading
    • Karl Whitelock
    • Dr. Chris Marshall Loading
    • Marta Muñoz Méndez-Villamil
    This IDC study highlights key trends in digital business models and monetization technology adoption and presents the top 10 predictions and key drivers for the next five years."The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of being a...

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