IDC Predictions Team

Dan Vesset

Group Vice President, Analytics and Information Management

Rick Villars

Group Vice President Worldwide Research

David Schubmehl

Research Vice President, Conversational Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Knowledge Discovery

David Tapper

Program Vice President, Outsourcing and Managed Cloud Services

Keith Kmetz

Program Vice President, Imaging, Printing & Document Solutions

Kitty Fok

Managing Director, IDC China

Matthew Eastwood

Senior Vice President, Enterprise Infrastructure, Cloud, Telecom, Security, Developers, Channels and Enabling Technology

Ramon T. Llamas

Research Director, Mobile Devices and AR/VR

Tom Mainelli

Group Vice President, Device & Consumer Research

Stephen Minton

Program Vice President, Data & Analytics

Courtney Munroe

Research Vice President, Worldwide Telecommunications Research

Lara Greden

Senior Research Director, Infrastructure as-a-Service Solutions, Flexible Consumption, and Circular Economy

New Research

  • By: 

    • Matthew Eastwood Loading
    • Thomas Meyer Loading
    • Andrew Buss Loading
    • Penny Madsen Loading
    • Vladimir Kroa Loading
    This IDC Market Note discusses product and services announcements made at the HPE Discover event in Frankfurt, Germany, on December 7 and 8, 2022. HPE highlighted its expansion of and investments in its HPE GreenLake as a Service offering a...
  • By: 

    • Jessica Goepfert Loading
    • Stephen Minton Loading
    This IDC Web Conference provides an update on the current state of the global IT market, and the outlook for technology budgets in 2023, with a special focus on the latest forecasts for IT spending by vertical industry. As the global econom...
  • By:  David Tapper Loading

    This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights results from the following question posed to 734 respondents and firms with 1,000+ employees across 5 countries, and several major industries, as part of IDC's 2022 Worldwide Managed Services Survey: "Me...
  • By:  David Tapper Loading

    This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights results from the following question posed to 1,500 respondents and firms with 1,000+ employees across 5 countries, and several major industries, as part of IDC's 2022 Worldwide Managed CloudView Survey: ...
  • By:  David Tapper Loading

    This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights results from the following question posed to 1,500 respondents and firms with 1,000+ employees across 5 countries, and several major industries, as part of IDC's 2022 Worldwide Managed CloudView Survey: ...
  • By:  Courtney Munroe Loading

    This Market Note provides an overview of Verizon's 4Q22 and FY22 financial performance. On January 24, 2023, Verizon released its 4Q22 and full-year 2022 earnings. The company recorded total operating revenue of $136.8 billion in the full y...
  • By: 

    • Robert Parker Loading
    • Rick Villars Loading
    We track the financial performance of many major technology vendors, but we are not financial analysts. We do so because these companies, such as IBM, account for a large portion of spending at our tech buyer clients and have an outsized pr...
  • By: 

    • Bryan Bassett Loading
    • Ramon T. Llamas Loading
    • Tom Mainelli Loading
    • Lewis Ward Loading
    This IDC Market Glance provides an overview of the vendors participating in the augmented reality market.
  • By: 

    • Kelly Brown Loading
    • Tom Mainelli Loading
    • David Myhrer
    This IDC Web Conference shares insights by IDC's Future Consumer team about consumers' perspectives and present forecasts of new and emerging markets and offers predictions around what it will all mean across a 10-year horizon. Consumer tec...
  • By: 

    • Alizabeth Calder Loading
    • Serge Findling
    • David Schubmehl Loading
    • Ritu Jyoti Loading
    本IDC看法是有关未来IT能力的五个系列文档中的一个,探讨了构成企业智能工程的重要能力——IT产品和服务能力。本文件列出了IT部门各层级(领导层、管理层和员工)智能工程关键技能构建的能力发展路线图,阐述了当前、近期和未来要做的各项任务。这一路线图可以帮助IT领导者在IT部门内部构建有效和富有韧性的智能工程能力。IDC CIO/CXO信息科技智库服务(IEP)助理分析师Alizabeth Calder表示:“从来没有哪种主动协同方法如此重要。必须从一开始就开发可扩展且可信的平台...

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