IT Executive Programs Team

Alizabeth Calder

Research Adjunct Advisor

Penny Madsen

Senior Research Director, Cloud and Edge Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Dave McCarthy

Research Vice President, Cloud and Edge Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Dr. Ron Babin

Adjunct Research Advisor

Cora Carmody

Adjunct Research Advisor

David Weldon

Research Adjunct Advisor

Mary Johnston Turner

Research Vice President, Future of Digital Infrastructure, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Ashish Nadkarni

Group Vice President and General Manager, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

New Research

  • By:  Alizabeth Calder Loading

    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation illustrates how big picture visualization can be used for business and IT alignment. Digital success must be built on more than understanding the value of technology investments; it must also embrace implica...
  • By:  Alizabeth Calder Loading

    This IDC PlanScape identifies governance strategies for impact across five critical elements of transformative leadership:Capabilities: Transformative leadership depends on the organization having strength in terms of capacity, automation, ...
  • By: 

    • Heather West, PhD Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    • Peter Rutten Loading
    This IDC Survey presents the results of IDC's Enterprise IT Infrastructure for Future of Digital Infrastructure Survey, 4Q21, and examines end users' planned 2022 IT infrastructure and usage patterns and trends in the adoption and deploymen...
  • By:  Alizabeth Calder Loading

    This IDC PlanScape identifies strategies for aligning governance efforts with a robust but simple commitment-based protocol, oriented around a critical question: "Who owes what to whom?"This study also reviews five critical success factors ...
  • By:  David Weldon Loading

    This IDC PeerScape discusses practices for using mobile technology to better engage customers and employees."Organizations must realize that the pandemic has made mobile technology programs more important than ever," says David Weldon, adju...
  • By: 

    • Al Gillen
    • David Schubmehl Loading
    • Daryl Schoolar
    • Carl W. Olofson Loading
    • Katie Norton Loading
    • Jim Mercer Loading
    • Dave McCarthy Loading
    • Sriram Subramanian
    • Ray Huo
    • Lara Greden Loading
    • Nancy Gohring Loading
    • Maureen Fleming Loading
    • Brad Casemore
    • Matt Arcaro Loading
    • Jevin Jensen Loading
    This IDC Perspective looks at 10 open source software project areas that are likely to impact the industry. Among other topics, this list of projects includes coverage of open source software projects related to GitOps, analytics, developme...
  • By:  Mary Johnston Turner Loading

    This IDC PeerScape describes practices that digital infrastructure autonomous compliance leaders apply across their digital infrastructure environments to streamline all aspects of infrastructure configuration, change management, and audit ...
  • By:  David Weldon Loading

    This IDC PeerScape presents the practices for adopting intelligent digital workspaces."It is important to note that there is no single master plan for what an ideal intelligent digital workspace looks like," says David Weldon, adjunct resea...
  • By:  Cora Carmody Loading

    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation discusses the need for key performance indicators (KPIs) to show and improve the leadership and governance practices supporting a digital-first enterprise. Future IT, the foundation of IDC's Future Enterpris...
  • By:  Cora Carmody Loading

    This Tech Buyer Presentation discusses the need for key performance indicators (KPIs) to show and improve the digital infrastructure capability and capacity supporting the transition to a digital-first enterprise. Future IT, the foundation ...

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