IT Executive Programs Team

Alizabeth Calder

Research Adjunct Advisor

Penny Madsen

Senior Research Director, Cloud and Edge Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Dave McCarthy

Research Vice President, Cloud and Edge Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Dr. Ron Babin

Adjunct Research Advisor

Cora Carmody

Adjunct Research Advisor

David Weldon

Research Adjunct Advisor

Mary Johnston Turner

Research Vice President, Future of Digital Infrastructure, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Ashish Nadkarni

Group Vice President and General Manager, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

New Research

  • By:  Cora Carmody Loading

    This Tech Buyer Presentation discusses the need for key performance indicators (KPIs) to show and improve progress toward a digitally intelligent enterprise.Future IT, the foundation of IDC's Future Enterprise, depends on the implementation...
  • By:  Cora Carmody Loading

    This Tech Buyer Presentation discusses the need for key performance indicators (KPIs) to show and improve capability and capacity in an enterprise's support for IT products and services. Future IT, the foundation of IDC's Future Enterprise,...
  • By: 

    • Cora Carmody Loading
    • Amita Potnis
    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation discusses the need for key performance indicators (KPIs) to show and improve the protection of enterprise resources and preserve the ability to legally and safely carry out the enterprise mission. Future IT,...
  • By:  David Weldon Loading

    This IDC PeerScape discusses best practices for using employee experience to drive business growth."Leading organizations recognize that the professional and personal lives of workers have blended in ways like never before," explains David ...
  • By: 

    • David Weldon Loading
    • Amy Loomis, Ph.D. Loading
    This IDC PeerScape presents the best practices for adopting hybrid work models."Success in this environment requires a new way of thinking in how to give remote workers the tools they need to be effective, what hybrid models best satisfy em...
  • By:  Mary Johnston Turner Loading

    This IDC PlanScape highlights the major digital business outcomes that digital infrastructure leaders are focusing on to drive architectural, operational, and budgeting alignment with digital business priorities. The document features examp...
  • By: 

    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Sandra Ng Loading
    • Alan Webber Loading
    • Amita Potnis
    • Amy Loomis, Ph.D. Loading
    • Holly Muscolino Loading
    • Paul Hughes Loading
    • Jeffrey Hojlo Loading
    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    • Dave McCarthy Loading
    • Susan G. Middleton
    • Lara Greden Loading
    • Chandana Gopal
    • Nancy Gohring Loading
    • Al Gillen
    • George Mironescu Loading
    • Carla Arend Loading
    • Leif Eriksen
    • Robert Parker Loading
    • Thomas Meyer Loading
    • Philip Carter Loading
    • Meredith Whalen Loading
    • Tom Mainelli Loading
    • Serge Findling
    • Avneesh Saxena Loading
  • By: 

    • Mike Rosen
    • Dr. Ron Babin Loading
    • Joseph C. Pucciarelli
    本プレゼンテーションでは、今後12~24か月の間にグローバルなビジネスエコシステムを変化させ、企業のIT戦略やビジネス戦略を形成する重要なドライバー(重要な外部要因)について説明している。IDCでは、2022年の外部要因として、世界各地で進行中の新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の感染拡大の影響を受け、世界経済や社会情勢が引き続き混乱していることを指摘している。IDCでは、PESTEL + B(政治、経済、社会、技術、環境、法律、ビジネス)というパラダイムを用いて、...
  • By:  Alizabeth Calder Loading

    This IDC Perspective provides an integrated leadership model for the future CIO. It aligns business and IT maturity development with the specific areas of focus and investment for "future IT" that supports and enables the highest value of d...
  • By: 

    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    • Rohit Mehra Loading
    • Matthew Eastwood Loading
    • Stephen Elliot Loading
    • Rajnish Arora
    • Chris Barnard Loading
    • Rob Brothers Loading
    • Eric Burgener
    • Andrew Buss Loading
    • Brad Casemore
    • Gary Chen Loading
    • Jennifer Cooke Loading
    • Rory Duncan
    • Phil Goodwin Loading
    • Dave McCarthy Loading
    • Susan G. Middleton
    • Masaaki Moriyama
    • Jeff Newton Loading
    • Dave Pearson Loading
    • Peter Rutten Loading
    • Juan Pablo Seminara Loading
    • Eric Sheppard
    • Elaina Stergiades Loading
    • Archana Venkatraman Loading
    • Steve White Loading
    • Andrew Smith
    This IDC study provides IDC's 2022 top 10 predictions for the future of digital infrastructure. "Digital infrastructure spans compute, storage, network, infrastructure software including virtualization and containers and the automation, AI/...

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