CIO Executive Council Team

Pietro Delai

Research Director, Latin America Enterprise Infrastructure and Cloud Services, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Mary Johnston Turner

Research Vice President, Future of Digital Infrastructure, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Ashish Nadkarni

Group Vice President and General Manager, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

New Research

  • By: 

    • Tony Olvet Loading
    • Craig Powers Loading
    • Teodora Siman Loading
    • Giulia Carosella Loading
    • Linus Lai Loading
    • Megha Kumar Loading
    • Simone De Bruin
    • Erin Hichman Loading
    • Philip Carter Loading
    • Pietro Delai Loading
    • Craig Simpson
    • Lawrence Cheok Loading
    • Martina Longo Loading
    • Ranjit Rajan Loading
    • Sharath Srinivasamurthy Loading
    • Steffi Han
    • Takuya Uemura Loading
    • Lianfeng Wu Loading
    • Supriya Deka Loading
    • Lapo Fioretti Loading
    This IDC study provides 2024 top 10 predictions for digital business strategies. These predictions provide guidance for organizations to mature as digital businesses in the next five years. They also lay out IDC’s vision for the 10 most imp...
  • By: 

    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    This IDC Survey examines the worldwide monthly technology investment monitor for August 2023. IT leaders continue to face an array of conflicting challenges in 2023 as they manage IT budgets that anticipate potential economic disruptions wh...
  • By: 

    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    • Penny Madsen Loading
    This IDC Web Conference looks at how generative AI is opening the door to a new generation of digital business capabilities that depend on robust, scalable, and secure compute, storage, and networking infrastructure to deliver expected busi...
  • By:  Mary Johnston Turner Loading

    本IDC研究可以帮助企业评估IT部门的数字基础设施运营模式能力和成熟度离能为数字企业提供支持还有多远,帮助首席信息官(CIO)和业务部门高管立即采取行动,为不断变化的数字业务目标、合作伙伴关系和员工优先事项铺平未来发展道路。“成功的数字企业将投资数字基础设施架构、治理、自动化、AI和采购战略,实现数字基础设施资源的成本、安全性、合规性和性能与业务需求最契合且能持续调整。IDC MaturityScape数字基础设施运营模式2.0提供了一个全新框架,通过它可以确定企业有效提供高...
  • By: 

    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Andrea Siviero Loading
    • Neil Ward-Dutton Loading
    • Carol M. Glasheen Loading
    • David Schubmehl Loading
    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    • Shane Rau Loading
    • Vijay Bhagavath Loading
    • Peter Rutten Loading
    • Jason Bremner Loading
    • Carl W. Olofson Loading
    • Yanxia Lu Loading
    This IDC Survey provides key findings from IDC's Global GenAI Awareness, Readiness, and Commitment (ARC) Survey and is the first in a series of IDC documents based on the Global GenAI ARC Survey that will investigate the implications of Gen...
  • By:  Mary Johnston Turner Loading

    This IDC Perspective discusses key takeaways from IDC's recently completed 2023 Future of Digital Infrastructure Worldwide Sentiment Survey, which included 145 decision makers that identify Dell Technologies as one of their organizations' t...
  • By: 

    • Philip Carter Loading
    • Marci Maddox Loading
    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    • Michelle Abraham Loading
    • Kathy Lange Loading
    • Nimita Limaye Loading
    • Carl W. Olofson Loading
    • Ananda Chakravarty Loading
    • Robert Parker Loading
    • Rick Villars Loading
    本IDC PlanScape为业务和技术领导者介绍生成式人工智能(GenAI)技术的发展背景,以及制定AI战略以将业务转向未来AI无处不在时代所必须具备的一系列特征。本报告回答了什么是GenAI以及GenAI为什么是未来关键技术等问题,指出了对投资和使用GenAI具有基础性作用的关键活动,带读者了解如何安排GenAI场景的优先顺序才能获得成功,并指出了实现GenAI当前和未来三年价值涉及的利益相关者。IDC思想领导力研究副总裁Phil Carter表示:“随着AI进入企业的各...
  • By: 

    • Kuba Stolarski Loading
    • Peter Rutten Loading
    • Ashish Nadkarni Loading
    This IDC Market Analysis Perspective (MAP) summarizes key demand and supply trends driving the core and edge computing platforms market, with servers being the largest segment of analysis. The MAP includes market forecast and vendor data, b...
  • By:  Mary Johnston Turner Loading

    This IDC PlanScape provides a comprehensive governance framework for deploying generative AI (GenAI) digital infrastructure."GenAI has the potential to transform a wide range of business processes and to present many opportunities for compe...
  • By:  Mary Johnston Turner Loading

    This IDC Perspective discusses IDC's June 2023 Future of Digital Infrastructure Worldwide Sentiment Survey, which included over 300 decision makers who identify Cisco as one of their organization's top 3 digital infrastructure providers."Ou...

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