Creating Agile, Scalable, and
Profitable Ecosystems Through IT

Become the Trusted Partner of Digital Transformation Leaders

Two heads are better than one: Some challenges and opportunities are too complex to be addressed by a single entity. This encourages enterprises to build an ecosystem of partners that can help them reach their organizational goals.

Expanding partnerships within and outside the organization's core industry provides the ability to remain competitive, innovative, and flexible, more so in pivotal situations. With a multidimensional ecosystem in place, there is information, knowledge, capacity, and capability that can be accessed as needed to address opportunity or disruption.

Be on the APAC CIOs' Reliable Partner List

Position your brand as a valuable technology provider and guide senior IT decision-makers in driving business value. Engage in strategic discussions, share insights, and showcase your cutting-edge innovations that drive the future of information technology at CIO Summits India, New Zealand, Japan, and CIO100 Symposium & Awards India.

CIO Summit<br> INDIA

CIO Summit

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CIO Summit

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CIO Summit<br> JAPAN

CIO Summit

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CIO100 Symposium & Awards<br> INDIA

CIO100 Symposium & Awards

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Showcase Your Expertise

Orchestrating Digital Infrastructure
DevOps Strategies
Application Modernization Strategy
Predictive Analytics Strategy
Enterprise IT Transformation
Effective Hybrid Cloud Deployment
Leveraging Low-Code /
No-Code Platforms
Omni-experience Transformation
Creating the Digital Resilient Enterprise
and more!
Audience Profiles

Audience Profiles

CIOs, Senior IT Executives & LOB decision-makers from the following Industries:

  • Banking & Finance
  • Insurance
  • Government & Public Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Telecommunications
  • Agriculture
  • Construction & Mining
  • Healthcare & Life Science
  • Education
  • Business Services
  • Utilities & Energy
  • Oil & Gas
  • Media
  • Wholesale, Retail, Trade
and many more!

Why Partner With Us

Boost Brand Image

Partner with IDC for regional prestige

Expanded Audience

Directly position offerings to decision-makers, industry leaders, and influencers in the tech domain

In-Depth Market Knowledge

Create trusted and quality content backed by IDC market analysts

Wider Reach

Leverage IDC’s multichannel and engaging delegate outreach, pre-, on-, and post-event to amplify your brand reach

Lead Generation

Showcase your products and services through a physical booth built for casual, intimate conversations to generate leads

Partner With Us Today

Be part of our events and demonstrate thought leadership, build everlasting relationships, and generate leads by featuring problem-solving capabilities and networking with new and potential customers.

Download the event primer to learn more.

IDC, Foundry

IT executives rely on IDC and Foundry events for discovering new ideas, trends, and solutions that drive their technology strategies. Leveraging IDC’s deep market intelligence and advisory expertise, and Foundry’s rich media brands (CIO, Computerworld, InfoWorld) and relationships, IDC and Foundry produce powerful learning and networking experiences for IT decision makers around the world.