target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR152594524

EMEA Leaders in the Age of AI Everywhere: The Role of Employees in Successful AI Implementations

By:  Meike Escherich Loading


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This IDC Perspective, part of the "EMEA Leaders in the Age of AI Everywhere" series, focuses on the People pillar of IDC's Organizational Road Map to AI Implementation. It draws upon insights gathered from recent discussions with digital leaders in EMEA, highlighting strategies on how to engage employees during the transition toward an AI-fueled Future of Work.

"By prioritizing employee buy-in, businesses can ensure a smooth and successful AI implementation, maximizing the potential of this transformative technology," said Meike Escherich, associate director for IDC's European Future of Work program. "For maximum effect, this requires tech buyers to work closely with the technology users themselves."


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