Analyst Location

United States



Leslie Rosenberg

Research Vice President, Network Life-Cycle Services and Infrastructure Services

  • By: 

    • Gard Little Loading
    • Bill Latshaw Loading
    • Brian Wood Loading
    • Peter Marston Loading
    • Leslie Rosenberg Loading
    • David Tapper Loading
    • Courtney Munroe Loading
    • Rob Brothers Loading
    • Elaina Stergiades Loading
    • Gina Smith, PhD Loading
    • Abhishek Mukherjee Loading
    • Mukesh Dialani Loading
    • Linus Lai Loading
    • Cathy Huang Loading
    This IDC Market Perspective addresses the impacts of AI and GenAI on IDC's services markets, allowing service providers to understand the opportunities and challenges in delivering services in the current environment."AI and generative AI w...
  • By: 

    • Leslie Rosenberg Loading
    • Elaina Stergiades Loading
    This IDC study emphasizes the critical role of adoption stage in IT project life-cycle services. In today's economic climate, IT teams must maximize value from their IT investments, focusing on strategic technology areas like security, AI, ...
  • By:  Leslie Rosenberg Loading

    This IDC Market Analysis Perspective (MAP) provides an overview of the market dynamics, trends, drivers, and challenges in the enterprise network consulting and integration services market worldwide. This MAP presentation provides guidance ...
More results   for Analyst Research
  • 5G Enterprise Private Networks Opportunity


    Leslie Rosenberg Loading


    Telecommunications, Telecommunications infrastructure, Enterprise mobility, Services, Life-cycle services, Mobility

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Perspective Tech Supplier

  • 5G Enterprise Private Networks Use Cases and NCIS


    Leslie Rosenberg Loading


    Telecommunications, Telecommunications infrastructure, Enterprise mobility, Services, Life-cycle services, Mobility

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Perspective Tech Supplier

  • Accenture Network Security Services


    Leslie Rosenberg Loading


    Telecommunications, Telecommunications infrastructure, Enterprise mobility, Services, Life-cycle services, Mobility

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Perspective Tech Supplier

More results   for Planned Research