Analyst Location



Mobile consumer devices


Asia Pacific

Will Wong

Senior Research Manager

  • By: 

    • Ryan Reith Loading
    • Nabila Popal Loading
    • Polly Chan Loading
    • Simon Baker Loading
    • Francisco Jeronimo Loading
    • Kiranjeet Kaur Loading
    • Natalia Milko Loading
    • Anthony Scarsella Loading
    • Will Wong Loading
    • Ramazan Yavuz Loading
    • Masafumi Inbe Loading
    • Diego Valer Loading
    This IDC study provides a comprehensive overview of and definitions for the mobile phone market. The definitions provided in this document represent the scope of IDC's mobile phone research. This taxonomy outlines market segmentations and m...
  • New Zealand Telecom Competitive Landscape, 2024


    • Nikhil Batra Loading
    • Will Wong Loading
    • Wiji Gedera Loading


    Cloud services, Telecommunications, Cloud computing, Digital transformation

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Presentation Tech Supplier