Worldwide Quarterly Tracker Team

Loren Loverde

Program Vice President, Worldwide PC Tracker

Jay Chou

Research Manager, Worldwide Client Devices Tracker

Hirotoshi Asano

Senior Market Analyst, Consumer Devices, Data & Analytics, IDC Japan

Hoang Nguyen

Group Vice President, Worldwide Tracker Program

Sachin Kamgonda Birajdar

Senior Research Analyst

Lidice Fernandez

Group Vice President, Worldwide Enterprise Infrastructure Trackers and Americas Data & Analytics Team Lead

Avneesh Saxena

Group Vice President, Domain Research Group, IDC Asia/Pacific

Kuba Stolarski

Research Vice President, Compute Infrastructure and Service Provider Trends, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Leon Kao

Senior Research Manager, Compute Infrastructure and Service Provider Trends, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Natalya Yezhkova

Research Vice President, Enterprise and Emerging Workloads, Worldwide Infrastructure Research

Anjney Bhardwaj

Senior Market Analyst

New Research

  • By:  Kuba Stolarski Loading

    This IDC study provides a visual representation of the process of technology adoption, dividing technologies into three major categories based on their impact on the organization and assessing technology relative to adoption levels within t...
  • By:  Kuba Stolarski Loading

    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation describes attributes of cloud workloads that may make them predisposed to work better with flash media attached. A version of this presentation was shared at the virtual Flash Memory Summit on November 11, 2...
  • By: 

    • Paul Maguranis
    • Kuba Stolarski Loading
    • Sebastian Lagana
    This IDC Perspective examines an often overlooked aspect of server choice: how many sockets should the server have? As server and server component technology continue to evolve, so does the viability of single-socket servers within the ente...
  • By: 

    • Deepak Mohan
    • Kuba Stolarski Loading
    This IDC Perspective discusses three key characteristics that can be used to evaluate and select workloads for cloud migration during the early phase of a cloud adoption journey. This extends research IDC has built as part of its Cloud Infr...

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