target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2022 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US47779522

IDC PlanScape: Retail Customer Analytics and Insights

By:  Ananda Chakravarty Loading


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This IDC study provides a road map for initiating a customer analytics and insights practice by introducing the critical nature of building customer analytics, the cross-functional data orchestration necessary to introduce change, and the starting points to assemble the culture, leadership, and resources essential to succeed.

"Customer analytics and insights as a practice provides the critical metric for all retailers to achieve true customer obsession. Retailers of all stripes are touting the customer obsession party line. But many retailers haven't put in the legwork to make customer obsession real or successful," says Ananda Chakravarty, research vice president, Merchandising and Marketing Analytics Strategies, IDC Retail Insights. "To be customer obsessed means understanding the customer, and understanding requires metrics applied to all aspects of the retail business from merchandising core to social media fringes."


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