target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50426022

Future of Digital Innovation — To Be a Viable Digital Business, It's Important to Differentiate Between Digital Transformation and Digital Innovation


  • Erin Hichman Loading
  • Gard Little Loading


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This IDC Perspective defines and discusses digital transformation, digital innovation, and digital business. It includes the importance of understanding the distinction, potential challenges, and assists with identifying services provider's capabilities to help with organizations with their journey to becoming a digital business.

"Using the terms digital transformation and digital innovation interchangeably — and not understanding the difference — sets the stage for challenges in meeting an organization's goals and reaching desired outcomes from initiatives. When there is a lack of alignment to what a goal or strategy is, measuring success and knowing if the proper outcome was achieved become nearly impossible. Understanding these two terms — digital transformation and digital innovation — will help organizations in setting clear, achievable, and measurable goals and which professional services to engage with," says Erin Hichman, research manager, Digital Business Professional Services at IDC.


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