target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51789624

Navigating Global HR Challenges in Diverse Markets

By:  Sam Halwani Loading


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This Market Perspective discusses managing a global workforce that presents numerous challenges that HR professionals must navigate to maintain efficient operations and ensure compliance with local laws. This document explores these challenges and provides strategic insights into managing cultural differences, adhering to diverse labor laws, leveraging technology, and optimizing talent acquisition and retention across multiple regions. By examining current market developments, industry dynamics, and future trends, this document aims to equip HR leaders with actionable strategies to enhance their global HR management practices.

"Embrace cultural diversity and technological innovation to navigate the complexities of global HR management for a cohesive, productive workforce," says Sam Halwani, research vice president, Human Capital Management, IDC.


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