target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Aug 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52472124

Adopting New Technologies and Innovations into the Flow of Work

By:  Bill Latshaw Loading


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This IDC Perspective discusses strategies for integrating GenAI and other new technologies into organizations, focusing on managing the spectrum of employee acceptance from enthusiastic adopters to active dissenters. It emphasizes the importance of aligning new technologies with natural workflows to enhance efficiency, productivity, and innovation. The document introduces the dissenter/promoter index as a tool for categorizing employee adoption types and offers advice on engaging different workforce segments to maximize technology adoption and effectiveness.

"Embracing new technology like GenAI requires understanding the spectrum of adopters from eager promoters to staunch dissenters for successful technological integration." — Bill Latshaw, research director, Business Consulting Services at IDC


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