target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Aug 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52472124

Adopting New Technologies and Innovations into the Flow of Work

By:  Bill Latshaw Loading


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Table of Contents

  • Executive Snapshot

    • Figure: Executive Snapshot: Gaining Clarity on New Technology Workforce Adoption

  • Situation Overview

    • New Technology Adoption

  • Advice for the Technology Buyer

    • Figure: Dissenter/Promoter Index

    • Utilizing the Dissenter/Promoter Index

    • Commitment Levels: Commitment, Enrollment, and Genuine Compliance

    • Commitment Levels: Formal Compliance

    • Commitment Levels: Grudging Compliance and Noncompliance

    • Commitment Levels: Apathy and Sabotage

    • Inviting Cognitive Dissonance — The Unsettling Truth

    • Conclusion

  • Learn More

    • Related Research

    • Synopsis