target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52543624

IDC IT Strategy Framework


  • Gerald Johnston Loading
  • Daniel Saroff Loading


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This IDC Perspective emphasizes the critical role of CIOs in aligning IT strategy with business goals, especially given the varied backgrounds of many CIOs. It outlines a six-stage framework to guide the development of a business-aligned IT strategy, starting with understanding the business strategy and goals, followed by a thorough competitive analysis and an evaluation of the current IT landscape. The framework then moves on to defining the IT strategy, conducting a gap analysis, and creating a strategic IT road map. Each stage is designed to ensure that IT initiatives directly support the organization's strategic objectives, enabling CIOs to enhance competitiveness and drive long-term success through technology.

"CIOs must move beyond viewing IT as a support function and instead focus the IT organization on transforming the business by enabling the business strategy," says Gerald Johnston, adjunct research advisor for IDC's IT Executive Programs (IEP).


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