target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52543624

IDC IT Strategy Framework


  • Gerald Johnston Loading
  • Daniel Saroff Loading


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Table of Contents

  • Executive Snapshot

    • Figure: Executive Snapshot: A Framework for IT Strategy

  • Situation Overview

    • Framework

    • Figure: Stages of the IT Strategy Framework

    • Stage 1: Understanding the Business: Strategy, Goals and Objectives, and Guiding Principles

    • Importance of Alignment

    • Stage 2: Understanding Competitors and How Their Strategy Fits in the Landscape

    • Competitive Analysis

    • Why Do IT Leaders Need to Know the Competitive Position of the Business?

    • Stage 3: Current State Analysis of IT and How It Fits the Business Strategy

    • IT Landscape Assessment

    • Alignment with Business Goals

    • SWOT Analysis

    • Why Perform the Current State Analysis

    • Stage 4: Definition of the IT Strategy

    • Table: Business Strategies and Corresponding IT Strategy Implications

    • Key Steps in Defining and Refining the IT Strategy

    • Develop the Initial IT Strategy (Straw Man)

    • Stage 5: Gap Analysis

    • Identify Gaps

    • Implementation

    • Prioritize Gaps

    • Implementation

    • Root Cause Analysis

    • Implementation

    • Example Scenario

    • Identifying Gaps

    • Prioritizing Gaps

    • Root Cause Analysis

    • Action Plans

    • Stage 6: Strategic IT Road Map

    • IT Strategic Road Map

    • Governance and Metrics

    • Implementation

    • Importance of Governance, Metrics, and Communication

  • Advice for the Technology Buyer

    • Business Strategy

    • Competitive Landscape

    • Current State Analysis

    • IT Strategy Definition

    • IT Gap Analysis

    • IT Road Map

  • Learn More

    • Related Research

    • Synopsis